20, Homesick for Parthi, Bhajans in Ooty - April 1985

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Homesick for Prasanthi Nilayam, Bhajans in Ooty

April 26, 1985


Dear Sis,

I got back to Puttaparthi 23rd April and the weather was really nice – lots of cool winds, only semi-hot (except noon to 4 PM, but we stay inside during that time). A real gift form Sai.

Speaking of Puttaparthi, it was wonderful to get back. I’ll tell you, while away - for the first time in my life I think - I got really homesick. Missed Prasanthi Nilayam soo much. It was hard. Couldn’t wait till Sai went back. Such a relief to get back, I was soo happy! But then Sai turns into BHAGAVAN (God) again. But that’s OK, I like Bhagavan. We’re talking, Him walking 1½ or 2-feet from the first row (hey that’s far when you get used to robe-swishing-against-your-sari-as-He-goes-by Darshan). And He looks straight ahead, totally ignoring you in Prasanthi Nilayam. Much different from the cute, playful, close, personal, always-smiling Sai He is (usually) when He’s traveling.

Well my foot seems to be paining at the moment so I’ll give you an update. In Ooty the skin started to peel – that’s right, a really, really thick layer of skin peeled slowly right off, on the entire top surface of my foot. The swelling has gone down but I just saw the doctors in the ashram and she gave me more medication and said there’s still infection. She said it’s still around cuz my body isn’t used to these Indian types of infections. Right now, it looks light color but when I'm walking it turns all red and purple. Still swollen, but at least my two feet sizes are closer than when the foot was really puffed & swollen. Hurts when I walk or sit with it down. And in the mornings – awful. Turns red & purple & has pains through it. Karma Dharma: my foot is doing its Dharma – having karma. Ha, ha, ha!

Now I'm in Bangalore attempting to get a visa extension (they won't give certificates at the ashram Sai Hospital).

Did I tell you about the bhajans in Ooty? The first few days (bhajans every night), Sai would let the foreigners sit in a special closer-up section. Right behind us was the door leading to His rooms. So at arathi we would all stand up and then Sai would stand and would be forced to walk through all us white-faced foreigner females to get to the door! He’d put His hands up, “Part, part,” and we’d make a path for Him to walk. I just happened to always be on the parting place, so He’d walk right by me, inches away. Guess what, He’s shorter than me! You all know what that means, don’t you? Yes, it means that He’s shorter than all of you in the family, too! Except our 11-year old brother. So our brother better come before he’s too tall to talk to Sai eye-to-eye. :-)

Then also, before bhajans Swami would come past our backs to stand in front of the lady’s section and stare at them. I happened to be nearby Him, around where He walked by. One day I was right at the end of our section, so the lady’s section (general population) was a few feet behind me. When Sai came by, for some ODD reason He walked super-close to me, even though He had a few feet and could’ve walked in the middle. His robe & leg were rubbing against my back – why He grants such Grace I don’t know. Then coming back, He walked soo close, that when He took a step, His leg went – BANG! - into my back! I was wearing my shawl that day – now it is forever super-charged & blessed with the Divine Touch of His Robe. Jai Sai Ram!

I think this is my home now – I really feel at home in India. We’ll see what Sai has in store… :-)

Sai Ram!


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