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Clove Chapter 6

The peacekeepers are back. They haul me into a car with Dayla already sitting in the middle seat. Cato is. Being shoved into the other side. He barly fits, he is so huge and masculin. When I vet into the car I can't help smiling and I am literally bouncing in my seat. The car stops. There is a large silver train sitting infront of us. "Get out and go on!" Dayla says.Cato and I literly leap out the door and we run to the train. Dayla walks up behind us "so eager!" she says with I smile as she opens the door. W step in are are amazed at how beautiful every thing is. Glass chandeliers, and wooden tables and all velvet furniture, like the one the was in the justice building. Even though we are one of the highest districts we still arnt used to all of this like the Capitol. "Go on sit down and eat!" Dayla says. And with that we do. We stuff our selfs so full we can't even stand. We stay sitting there with Dayla. "I'll go and get Brutus he is your mentor." she says and she stands up and scurries away. I look directly at Cato's eyes wondering what he will look like. If he will be nice. What he will think about me, about Cato.

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