The Forgotten 11

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Hey everyone!!! Im finally back! Hopefully for a while! I know that lots of you have been waiting for the next chapter of this book so here It is!!!! I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 11

     "What do you mean 'When is the next battle'!? you just woke up! and you still aren't perfectly healed yet!" Sasuke yelled at me. I got up from the bed, pain shooting through my abdomen, and walked to the window. I stared at the beautiful night sky and wondered why I was still alive. I had done so many things that should have ended my life yet here I was... Was this Kami's way of telling me that I needed to live?

     "Yes, when is the next battle? I have fully healed myself using Ryuu so I'll be perfectly fine for the next round!" I basically screamed back at Sasuke. He got a really disappointed look on his face and I looked away from him. I felt bad for yelling at him since he was so good to me. "Sorry..." I mumbled.

     "The next battle is in two weeks! Believe it!" Naruto yelled, breaking the heavy silence that fell upon the room. I nodded and grabbed my clothes.20

     "Sign me out Kakashi. I'm going to go train with Ryuu." I jumped out the window and headed back to my apartment. I walked into my house and noticed dust... dust on everything... I really needed to clean up. I did a quick cleaning of everything and grabbed some weapons. I summoned my sword and pumped a shit ton of chakra into it so it would transform and become stronger. My sword turned blood red and got bigger and stronger.

     I headed to the training grounds and Kakashi was there with Sasuke. I hid in a tree and watched in silence as Kakashi was trying to teach Sasuke a new jutsu. Kakashi glanced up and made eye contact with me and then he and Sasuke left to go somewhere else. I jumped down from the tree and pulled my sword off my back. "You sleeping Ryuu?"

"Not anymore Hun... What do you need?" Ryuu sheepishly asked me.

     "I would like to train with you for the next round of fights." I bit my thumb and made the appropriate hand signs and summoned a smaller version of Ryuu who cooed happily and stretched out. He looked around to take in his sorroundings and then got into a fighting stance and barred his teeth at me.

     Hours went by and my chakra was getting low. I has cuts and bruises all over my body from training really hard with Ryuu and he left so i could rest. I learned a new jutsu that Ryuu had told me. I wanted to give it one more go before i went home. I readied my sword and made one handed hand signs and shouted, "Fire Style: Flames of the Dragon!"

     Blue and golden fire swirled around my sword and it shot out in the shape of the dragon's head and exploded five nearby trees. I grinned to myself and felt dizzy. The rest of my chakra was getting even lower and I had used too much. My eyes started to flitter closed and I started to fall forwards. I was caught in someone's arms before i finally lost consciousness.

     I woke up with tears in my eyes from another dream about my sister and Itachi. I sat up in my bed and wondered how I had gotten here and then I remembered that someone was there when I passed out. I got up and took a shower and changed my clothes since I was still gross and dirty from training before I passed out. I went to my kitchen to make food and found a folded note. I picked it up and unfolded it.

     Rumiko, Watched you train with some large Wolf. That was Ryuu wasn't it? Hope you feel better and Kakashi wants you to help me train at the mountains on the outskirt of the village. I'll see you there soon. I love you Rumiko, we need to talk   ~Sasuke <3

     I smiled to myself and grabbed my sword and an apple and left to go to the mountains. I crept up slowly and quietly and looked around for my boyfriend and the perverted jonin I'm forced to call my sensei... I heard them before I saw them and rock pieces started flying in all directions...

     "Hey! Some of those piece totally could have hit me!" I yelled suprising them from their focus. Sasuke smiled at me and waved. He looked exausted... I flash-stepped to where they were using my superhuman speed and looked around at all the broken and shattered boulders that were scattered around.

     Sasuke enveloped me in a large bear hug and kissed my head gently. "Glad you could make it. Are you feeling better?" I nodded and asked what we would be doing to train. Sasuke told me that he was learning how to do the chidori. He showed me his progress with this new jutsu. he exploded another gigantic boulder and gave me a little grin. I smiled at him, showing him that I was pround of him and turned towards Kakashi.

"So why am I here?"

     "I want to train you as well. Sasuke told me what kind of stuff you were doing yesterday. Show me that jutsu that Ryuu taught you." I nodded and pulled out my sword. I performed my jutsu and obliterated a boulder. Sasuke's jaw fell in amazement and then he scowled for the fact that my jutsu was more powerful than his.

     "You are very good at fire style jutsus. That jutsu is nearly Hokage level and you have mastered it in a day. I am very impressed. Though, you have lost four days because you slept that long after you passed out... you really need to train more." I nodded at him and we all started to train together.

     We trained for many days, barely getting any sleep. The fights were three days away and I felt like I was ready for whatever was coming my way. Kakashi told me that I could have a couple of days to relax before the fights. I said goodbye to both Kakashi and Sasuke and went home to sleep. I thought for a while before I closed my eyes. These fights were only days away and I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I convinced myself that it was fine and fell into a deep sleep.


     I ran through woods, running from something that I didn't want to encounter. I didn't know what it was and I also didn't want to find out. There was a loud roar and a tree landed next to me. I stopped and looked to see what was after me. There was Shukaku, the one-tails, and his host stuck to the top of him. I never wanted to fight any of the bijuis but I guess I had to.

     I launched myself towards him but suddenly couldn't move. Shukaku smacked me and I landed next to Sasuke, who was being consumed by his curse mark. I looked down at my wrist and noticed mine was taking over too. It burned as black flames burned into my skin. I screamed and everything when black...

**End Dream**

I woke up in a cold sweat, panting hard in my bed. "This can't be good... I can't let it happen like this..."


Finally made the next chapter!!!!!! glad I did since ppl kept demanding it!! i will write even more so stay tuned!!! Bai Bai!! <3 

The Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now