The Forgotten 2

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Chapter 2!!!!! Yay! Well I really have nothing to say so lets get to it.


Chapter 2

I walked through the forest with Arora until we reached a gate. I stared up at it wondering where we were. I started to walk around when a man with grey hair popped up in front of me.

He wore a mask that covered most of his face and his head band covered one of his eyes. Judging by the symbol on his head band, I figured he was from the hidden leaf village.

So that's where I was.

"So where are you headed young lady? Are you visiting Konoha?" He asked with a closed eye smile.

"Uh, well, not exactly. I, uh, um, well....... Something bad has happened. May I speak with your Hokage?"

He looked at me with concern and also distrust as he slowly nodded. "Follow me"

***Time Skip***

"Yes, well, I see. So that's what happened. I will send a team to search the area for survivors. But for now you'll be staying here and going to the academy to become a ninja." The Hokage told me.

"Alright but I trained as a ninja in my village. I was about to take my genin test but then "that" happened"

"Well because you're starting late, you will retake the exam. But for now just attend the academy."

I nodded and left for the flat that the Hokage gave me. It was small, one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen/living room combo. That was it. I decided to sleep due to it getting late. I fell asleep instantly.


"Hey, Kosame..... why do mom and dad and everyone else hate me?"

"They don't hate you hun, they just don't understand you, that's all."

My sister hugged me and kissed my forehead before leaving to go to the store. I sat in my room before deciding to head to the woods to train. I snuck out of the house because my parents didn't like me leaving. They always got criticized because of my ears and tail.

I made my way to a small opening tin the woods where I trained. I summoned my two wolf companions, Kezu and Nami. Kezu was a white and green wolf. He was tall but still young. Nami was a brown and orange wolf and she was older than Kezu and really strong. They appeared and we got to work. We worked on our teamwork and my jutsus. I learned many jutsus from my family's library. I was always good at memorizing scrolls and jutsus so I learned many difficult ones and trained to perfect them.

When I headed back to the village, there was blood everywhere. I bolted home as fast as I could and got there in under a minute, because of my superhuman speed, and saw my mother lying on the floor in a bloody pool.


I flipped her over and she said, "Rumiko, this is all your fault..........." and stopped breathing. I had tears in my eyes and I placed her lifeless body down and ran to find Kosame. The sky was so dark and the moon was blood red. I hurried as fast as I could. I froze when I saw a man wearing a black cloak with red clouds. He was holding up my sister and she was dripping blood from her stomach.


"Rumiko......... run. Please............. I... love..................... you. Don't.... be.... o...overrun....... by revenge. Please......."

Her eyes when dark and the man dropped her to the ground. He stared at me and I recognized him instantly. It was an old friend. I thought he was dead. It was Itachi Uchiha.

"Why......................" is all I said before a dashed off into the dark cold night. Maybe I would leave forever. No one knew me anymore. I would just be forgotten, a distant unknown memory, and my village would soon be lost in time. Never to be though of again.....

***end of dream***

I woke up in a cold sweat and looked at the clock. It read 6:15 am. I decided to get up and take a shower. I brushed my teeth, and tied my hair up in a long black ponytail that reached down to my knees. I got dressed in a small black dress thing with fishnet around my right shoulder going down to my elbow. I put on black booty shorts and more fishnet that went down to my knees.

I left while putting on my combat boots and gloves and headed towards the academy. As I walked I saw an orange blob fly passed me and a man yelling, "Naruto! Get back here right now!" I decided to ignore it and kept on walking.

I made it to the academy in time and walked in the door only to have everyone's heads turn towards me. I know what they were staring at, me ears and tail. Ugh I hate people so much.

"Do you have a problem!?" Everyone looked shocked except for a boy with onyx eyes and hair that looked like a ducks butt. I recognized him even though I had never met him. Itachi had told me many things about him. He looked so angry though. He looked how I felt and I think I knew why.

The teacher walked in and I noticed that he had the boy in the orange jumpsuit from earlier in his grip. He let him go and instructed him to his seat. He turned to me and said, "Go ahead, introduce yourself."

"My name is Rumiko. Don't talk to me and I wont punch you in the face....." They all stared in surprise.

"Alright Rumiko, you may go and have a seat next to...... ah, Sakura." He pointed to a girl with long pink hair who was making googly eyes at Sasuke and he did not look happy. Looking around the room, I saw that just about every girl was making googly eyes at him. I smirked and took my seat.

"Alright class, today we will be taking the genin test. I'll call each of you to a separate room and you will create a clone for me."

He called people in one by one until it was my turn. I strolled in and stood in the middle of the floor. "Shadow clone jutsu..." I said and performed the hand sign and I created three shadow clones. They were perfect. Then I ran in circles and zig-zags with them and said, "So can you tell us apart?"

"Yeah, can you?" Another clone said.

He studied us for a second, pointed at a clone, and said, "You. You are the real Rumiko."

"Sorry, but you fail." The clone said and they poofed away. He was surprised that he got it wrong.

"Well, I guess you got me. That was good. Come get a headband."

I walked over and looked. There were only blue ones. I asked for a black one and he gave me one. I walked out and left to go home. The next day I walked in, sat down, and Iruka( I learned his name finally) said, "alright everyone, today I will assign you to your teams.

I zoned out until I heard, "Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Rumiko Korodon."

"Wait why is there four people on our team. I thought there were suppose to be three people per team?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, well there are an uneven number of people so she is joining a team to make a team of four."

Great, now I'll stand out even more. I hate my life so much right now. Itachi, I"LL MAKE YOU PAY!


Yay!!! Chapter 2 is finally done (: lots of hard work and i hope you all enjoy it :) please look forwards to chapter 3!!!

The Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now