The Forgotton 7

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Hey my people!!! Here is chapter 7!!! Time for a new face to arrive in the story!!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter because I definitely love my work and I want others to love my work. I try really hard on my work and I love to write stories.


Chapter 7

     Finally we were back home and I could rest! I headed straight home because we didn't have any mission to do immediately. I entered my house and nearly dropped to the floor. My house apartment was torn up and there was blood on the wall that said, "I'm are coming for you, Rumiko." Who could have written that!? I bolted out of my house and straight to the Hokage's office. I didn't bother knocking and just opened it to find my team there. Crap! That's right, they came here to give the Hokage the mission details!!

     "Rumiko, I thought you were going home?" Kakashi asked slightly surprised.

     "Uh..... I already did. I need to talk with the Hokage,  NOW!" I screamed "now" and surprised everyone. Sasuke looked at me with concern but I couldn't let it faze me right now.

     "I'm sure whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of your team. Can't you?" The Hokage asked me. Damn, he's getting on my nerves. Guess I'll have to tell them.

     "Fine," I looked at everyone not ready to see their reactions. "I'm being hunted down by someone. But I don't know who...." Everyone looked at me in shock, or like I had two heads.

     "Um...... What?" Naruto asked completely confused.

     Sakura hit him over the head. "Are you stupid or what Naruto!? She said someone wants her dead!"

     "When did you discover this?" The Hokage asked me.

     "Um, I don't know. Like five minutes ago!" He just nodded and instructed some ANBU and my team to go checkout the situation. We ran to my apartment at the edge of the village only to find it..... burning to the ground!!!!!

     "WHAT THE HELL!!! MY APARTMENT!!" I screamed running towards it. Sasuke grabbed my arm before I could reach it. "Let me go! DUCK-BUTT!!!!" His eyes widened at my remark and his grip loosened. I slipped from his hand and bolted inside. The whole place was up in flames. I saw a man standing in the middle of the room.

     "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I screamed over the crackling of the wood. I walked towards him and noticed that his hair was grey and he wore a mask. He turned to me and disappeared. I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my extra weapons and all the clothes I could gather. Then I ran to a small spot on the floor where there was a loose board. I pried it open and grabbed my sisters favorite hairpin and the kimono that she gave to me.

     I was going to leave then but I had inhaled to much smoke. I started to collapse but I landed in someone's arms. I was one of the ANBU men. He used the transportation jutsu and we appeared in front of everyone else. The ANBU set me down on the ground and I sat, silently watching my house burn. Well there goes my second home. Kami seriously doesn't want me happy huh?

     "Are you alright Rumiko?!" Naruto basically blew out my eardrum with how loud he was yelling. He cared though and I was happy about that.

     "Yeah Naruto, I'm fine. But it doesn't look like my house is," I let out a little sigh and stood up. "Who the hell would do this to my house?" Everyone just looked at me. Probably wondering why I wasn't as sad as they expected me to be. It was fine though. I got what was precious to me so a stupid little apartment isn't a big loss.

     "Hey..." Sasuke said, waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped back from my thoughts and looked at him. Crap, was he mad about that duck-butt remark? Probably, we are basically dating and I totally just insulted him.

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