The Forgotten 12

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Sorry for the long update time... I will try to update more and faster!! But do now I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!
Chapter 12
The day of the next battle couldn't be taking any longer... Everyday felt like an entire week. I trained hard but knew I didn't need to. I wasn't allowed to see Sasuke either, which made everything harder. I walked through the village thinking of the dream I had about Shukaku.

"Hey. I want to talk to you." Someone called from behind me. I turned around and saw Gaara. I tensed slightly but followed him when he started to walk away. He led me into the forest before stopping and facing me.

" Um... What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked cautiously in case he tried anything.
"Who are you? You aren't a normal shinobi. You have a kind of power that I don't like and I want to know what it is."

I stared at him confused. Why did he want to know about Ryuu? I looked at him for what seemed like forever. "I'm like you. A holder of tailed beasts. I have the ten-tails inside of me. Is that what you are looking for?" Gaara stared in slight shock. He obviously wasn't expecting me to admit to having a tailed beast. He pondered my answer for a while but before he could answer I poofed away for I got tired of waiting for his response.

The days continued to be slow but the day of the next fight finally arrived. Everyone gathered in the arena and awaited for the fights to begin. I stood there watching all the fights waiting for my turn. Sasuke was no where to be found and it was seriously getting annoying waiting for him. Naruto kicked Neji's ass and it was a good fight to watch. My fight was boring since I trained hard and kicked this little twerp's butt who didn't even stand a chance against me.

"Sasuke Uchiha vs. Gaara of the Sand." The announcer said. Gaara took his place but Sasuke still wasn't here. Everyone looked around and the fight was about to awarded to Gaara as a technicality but Sasuke and Kakashi finally showed up and I let out a breath of relief. Sasuke was wearing a new outfit too that looked really good on him. He looked up towards me and smirked, winking at me as I waved to him.

The fight started and Gaara just covered himself in a ball of sand which was so not cool, he wasn't even trying! It was an intense fight though and I liked watching Sasuke fight, looking so strong and determined. Before the fight was over though, people started to fall asleep around me and people blasted a hole in the side of the area wall. One of the Hokages disappeared and the leaf village Hokage was distracted by Orochimaru and his stupid gang trying to fight him. Sasuke was gone when I went to looked for him and so was Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, and his friends. I turned back to the Hokage who was trapped in a barrier created by Orochimaru's gang.

He can handle it himself, I'm confident in that old man! I thought to myself as I looked for the rest of my team. A surge of chakra filled the nearby air and I knew who's it was and it scared me. I quickly came upon the terrible scene of Shukaku, released and in control, Sakura pinned against a tree being crushed, Sasuke having trouble with his curse mark, and Naruto taking the lead of the fight.

"Rumi-chan!" Naruto broke me from my daze and I could see sand out of the corner of my eye coming at me and forcing me against a tree. Now me and Sakura were in the same boat... great.

"Rumiko!" Sasuke shouted and his curse mark began to take over faster than before.

"Sasuke! Calm down! Don't let that thing take over!" but it was too late, he felt the power and began to use it to fight. In the end Naruto saved us and changed Gaara forever. I could see the disappointment in Sasuke's eyes as he held me close to him thanking Kami that I was safe.

We took Sakura to the hospital where we heard the grim news of the Hokage's death. Everyone was shocked, Naruto had tears in his eyes as he cursed Orochimaru. Sasuke was starring at the ground and I was just shocked, too shocked to do anything but then I came to my senses and leapt out the window. Sasuke called after me but I was gone before he could come after me.

The Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now