The Forgotton 4

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Hey there everyone! Glad you are reading my story. it makes me so happy. :) Here is chapter 4 and I hope you enjoy it!!!!! I don't own Naruto or any of the characters other than Rumiko :) though I wish I did. well anyways thanks again and enjoy!!!


Chapter 4!!!!

I left early to go to the training grounds to train a little before the survival test thing. I made it there at 4:00 am because the training was at 6:00 am, Although when I got there Sasuke was there waiting. Why was he here so early. I walked over to him and he looked up when I was a few feet away.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked staring down at him. He obviously wasn't training.

"Hn." My god I hate it when he does that.

"Fine, be like that." I walked away from him and he watched as I summoned Nami and Kezu. Sasuke seemed interested. I continued by biting my thumb and placed it on my palm and yelled, "Summoning Jutsu!" I pulled out my sword and un-sheathed it. Now Sasuke was staring intently.

"Hey babe!! Kezu said while rubbing against my side. He's always such a perv. What a handful.

"Yeah yeah, hey Kezu. Hello to you, my dorky pervert. And my bestie! You're looking as awesome as ever! I bent down and gave her a big hug around her neck.

"Hey girly, how have you been. I haven't seen you since............." her words trailed off and all three of us looked down.

"Well, enough of that!" I cried, "Let's get to training. We don't have much time!" My partners nodded and we all separated from each other. "Ready....... set...................................... GO!!!!!"

We all started and we had Sasuke as an audience. I'm kind of glad that he was there watching. I can show him what I'm made of. I threw my sword and Kezu dodged it and bit my arm. I winced but it was part of my plan. We are always really rough when we spar with each other. It makes us stronger.

I saw Sasuke jump up to his feet ready to help but I twisted before we hit the ground and I landed on Kezu. He released my arm and I kicked him, sending him into a tree and knocking him out all while dodging Nami. Kezu is really fast and so I needed to catch him to take him out.

Nami came at me with kill intent. I didn't notice her immediately and she grabbed my throat in her jaws. I yelped and struggled but she had me pinned to the ground. I couldn't lose so I brought out my claws and scratched her in the side. She yelped and jumped back. I stood on all fours and growled real low. We charged at one another and fought like wild animals until I finally brought her down.

"HAHA!!! I win again!" Both Nami and Kezu limped over to me and layed down. "Aw you poor babies.......... here, I'll heal you right now." I bent over and used some medical jutsu to heal all of their injuries. They stood up and I suddenly felt extremely sad.

"Guys, what's wrong?"

Nami looked up at me, "We have to leave hun. And we can't come back to you."

"What?......................." This couldn't be happening. They were all I had left.

"Well, after the incident the chief ordered us to go back to the island. We told him that you were still alive but he didn't care. We have to leave you. We also heard that Arora was with you. Please call her here and we will be taking her with us."

I stared at her in a daze. This is real. I called Arora and watched as they all left. Why? Why was this happening to me? Everything was gone now. I hadn't noticed that Sasuke was calling my name until he grabbed my shoulder.

The Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now