The Forgotten 10

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Finally chapter 10! It's felt like forever! I have work hard and I really hope you all like my story! I have tried really hard and I like my creative mind and I hope you all do too :) So without further ado! here is chapter 10!


Chapter 10

***Sasuke's pov***

     "She's gone. Dead..." That's all I heard Sakura say. I drowned out everything else that she was saying. I couldn't bear to hear anymore. She fell silent and I stood. I was so pissed! With everyone! My team! That creep that attacked us! But myself most of all! I walked over to a tree and punched it as hard as I could and it broke and slowly fell to the ground. I slunk down to the ground and could feel the tears prick my eyes. I haven't cried since that day...

     "Who said I was dead?"

***Rumiko's pov***

     "Jeez! I'm gone for like three hours and suddenly everyone thinks I'm dead!" I say sarcastically but it was probably not the time for that. Sasuke whipped around to face me. Was he crying? Glad I mean something to him. Naruto started to cry hysterically and Sakura began to cry too.

     "Rumi... how? I saw your injury... You couldn't have survived that!" Sakura said and I lifted my shirt to reveal the wound which was bleeding pretty badly but I had it bandaged up pretty much but I was still gonna die if I didn't get any help soon.

     "I'm fine for right now... but I need...." I began but was cut off by Sasuke, who came to me faster than lightning and hugged me in the biggest bear hug ever!

     "Jesus! Don't scare me like that again! I thought you were dead!" He screamed at me and I went wide-eyed. I nodded slightly and I explained how I patched up my wound with the branch still in it so I wasn't bleeding as much.

     We went our separate ways from everyone and headed towards the tower. Sasuke carried me, princess style, because he REFUSED to let me run on my own. I had no choice but to let him carry me. He seemed alright but I saw the same mark as mine on the back of his neck. So, Orochimaru got him too. I learned his dumb name from Ryuu, who apparently knows everything!

     We made it to the tower without a problem and opened the scrolls. Iruka sensei popped from the scroll and congratulated us for getting to the tower. He also told us about a third round because there were too many people still and we needed to cut down the numbers. Now I have to fight with this injury!

     "Well, I don't want Rumiko to.." Sasuke started but I slapped my hand over his mouth and gave the If you say one more word, I'm gonna kill you so slowly you're gonna feel it in the afterlife look and he slowly nodded.

     "You don't want her to what Sasuke?" Iruka asked but Sasuke just waved his hand at him and he looked confused but quickly recovered. "Well anyway, how about you all head to the arena and wait for the next round.

     In the arena, we all stood in rows according to our team number. Sakura kept trying to get Sasuke to quit because of his mark, it was hurting him. He yelled at her and she finally shut up. Sasuke gave me some quick glances and I sneered at him. He didn't want me to fight but I didn't care. I would become a chunin if it was the last thing I do! 

     "Well, I congratulate everyone that has made it this far," the Hokage started. "There will a preliminary challenge to greater reduce the amount of people. The board above will show the names of the people who will fight against each other. Please do your best and I wish you all luck!" He finished and I raised my hand. "Yes miss Rumiko?"

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