The Forgotten 9

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Hey everyone! Thanks for waiting for a little while for this chapter! I tried hard. I'm forgetting some things that have happened during the show so please forgive me if I forget some things!!! Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter along with all the others!!!


Chapter 9

     We dashed through the forest without stopping. I think everyone was afraid to get attacked by any enemies looking for an Earth scroll. I believe Anko called this place the forest of death. That's certainly reassuring. I was just hoping that we don't come across that chick with the strangely dark and evil chakra.

     "You alright Rumiko? You seem to be really on edge..." Sakura gave me a worried look.

     "Nah, I'm fine," I smiled at her. "I was just thinking about something from a while ago." She nodded and we hurried along.

     "I gotta take a piss!" Naruto boasted and we stopped. He began to unzip his pants when Sakura hit him over the head. "Not in front of two girls!" He mumbled to himself and walked away. We waited for a few minutes when a very poor excuse for a transformation jutsu of Naruto came back.

     "Wow, I wrote my name!" He chuckled and Sasuke punched him in the face.

     Sakura stared to trembled a little. "Uh.... Sasuke, don't you think you took it a little too far. I mean, you didn't need to punch him..."

     "That's not Naruto, brainiac, it's one poor excuse of Naruto transformation though." The copy sighed and released the jutsu.

     "So what gave me away?" He asked without a second hesitation.

     "Well.... first off, Naruto is right handed and you're weapons pouch is on the left. Uh, Naruto got a scratch on his cheek when he hit a tree branch and he definitely didn't heal so quickly." I scoffed at him and he just shrugged.

     "Well alright. So, I'll be taking your scroll now." He laughed and lunged at me. I didn't move and let the kunai pierce me in the gut. I spit up a little blood but then poofed away and turned into a measly log.

     "What?" He yelled and got a swift kick to the head by Sasuke. He went flying in the direction the real me was hiding. I popped out and kicked him in the head and he went down and crashed into the ground. He left after that and we found and untied Naruto.

     "Thanks guys!" Naruto cheered and we had a small meeting in a group of trees. "Alright, we are gonna come up with a password so that if anyone leaves they have to say it to confirm that its them." Sasuke said boredly. We wouldn't need a password if we could just hold our own.

     "Alright then, what should the password be?" He went on to say this really dumb, really long password that Naruto wouldn't remember in a million years. Good. Sakura and I got it and Naruto said he got it but we all exchanged looked and smirked.

      As we got done with making the password, A huge gust of wind came blowing through the forest and blew everyone away. Naruto went in a totally different direction but so did I. Crap! It's that chakra again!.

     I twisted and pushed off a tree and was in-between Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto soon came after and said the password perfectly. Ding Ding! We have a winner! Sasuke threw a kunai at the fake and she poofed back into herself. The same woman from the sound I saw before we entered the gate stood before us. She screamed evil and I just wanted to run.

     "Looks like I have found what I've been looking for." She again licked her lips and stared at Sasuke. I got into fighting position but then I saw my sister, stabbing me with a kitchen knife and screaming that she had always hated me. It's just genjutsu I told myself and it was released thanks to Ryuu. I glanced over to the other two and they were frozen. I pretended to be frozen to until it was time for me to strike.

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