Chapter. 9

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I went into my closet and pulled the pair of jeans that Luke has bought me as good luck for my interview, I grabbed my belt and pulled my hair into a braid. I threw on a pair of vans and loaded up into my truck.

I pulled up in the dirt parking lot, surprised at all the trucks here in the middle of the week

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I pulled up in the dirt parking lot, surprised at all the trucks here in the middle of the week.
I walked up to the arena and everyone was practicing, I walked around a bit but I couldn't find the main office. I was near the locker room anyways and they all seemed helpful in there before so I decided to go in.
I walked in and all eyes went to me "Hey does anyone know where I can find the main office" I asked looking around at all the men.
" hey wait aren't you Katie" one guy asked
I nodded my head
" Yo you're Luke's girl, aren't you" another guy called out pointing at me
" Oh , Luke and I aren't going out" I said "can y'all just point me in the direction of where the office is" I asked again
" uh yeah sure" said Luke's friend Alex who started to walk up to me "there is a set of large steps outside right up through there and it's the first door on the right" he said
" oh cool thank you" I said" I'm applying for a job here"
" oh really" he said and smiled
I nodded my head "and I'm doing it all by myself no help from anyone" I said
He put his hands up in defense " ok then I won't help you" he said
" hey Kate" Luke said popping out from behind the lockers. He was only in a towel, hair still wet from the shower. He started to walk towards me. I looked him up and down, then meeting his eyes. He raised an eyebrow. I knew I was caught checking him out.
" Hi Luke" I said and blushed and walked out towards the main office

I started to walk up the stairs
" Hey Katie wait" Alex started to say
I turned back around to look at him
" yeah" I asked
" uh..... good luck" he stammered and walked back into the locker room
Hmm well that was odd I thought to myself as I open up the door and there's a secretary sitting a a big wooden desk.

" Hi, my name is Katie I heard about the position that is open here to exercise the horses" I said
" oh yes, one second please" she said and quietly knocked on a door then walked in. She returned with a packet paper in hand and a tall man trailing behind. He had a big shiny belt buckle and a toothpick in his mouth.
" Hi my names chip and I own this here rodeo" he said with his arms extended on either side proud of his business.
I extended my hand to shake his hand," Hi my name is I'm Katie Carson" I said with a smile.
" Well Katie why do you want to work here at the rodeo" he asked
"well I love working with all animals and I would say Im pretty damn good at it too" I said confidently in myself.
He nodded his head "I respect the confidence Katie" he said nodding "well I do have to tell you that you're one of the only applicants applying"
" oh really how many applied if you don't mind me asking" I asked shocked
" you" he said with a chuckle adjusting his mustache. " no one wants to work with the wild horses or the wild rodeo men" he said he chuckled at himself
" oh well I'm game for anything" I shrugged
" do you muck" he asked
" yes sir"
" do you work with cows"
" Yes sir " I said
" hmm alright then" he extended his arm" welcome to the family" he said
" woah wait did I just get the job" I asked" just like that, a few questions that's it" I asked
" well I told you that you are the only one that applied and I like your confidence in being able to tackle anything" he said
" when can you start" he asked
" Immediately, when do you need me"
" you can start in two weeks, that Monday would be nice" he said " let's say around 7am"
" see you then sir" I said and walked out the door

I walked down the steps and headed back to the locker room, I opened the door and they all stared at me again
" where's Luke?" I asked
" yeah" he said and walked up to me
" so guess who just got the job" I said
" aw good job Kate" he said and hugged me.
I pushed off of him because he was still all wet. And I looked up at him and smiled " your soaked!!" I screamed and giggled. He just smirked and looked down at me.
" well I gotta get home, bye guys" I said to the entire locker room
" bye Katie" they all said


I pulled up to school and walked to one of the lecture halls
I had to talk to my teacher about missing a class

" hi Mr. Jones" I said and walked into the lecture hall
His head shot up
" oh yes hello Katie" he said
" yeah so I missed last class" I said standing in the aisle awkwardly
" yes why did you miss my class" he asked looking through papers
" uh well I had a thing the other night" I said lying
He handed me a paper
" there's the notes from last class, I will see you next week, we have an exam tuesday" he said
I thanked him and walked out of the hall and walked to the dinning hall.
I walked in and went to the cold case and grabbed a bottle of Coke I paid and went and sat down at table against the wall. I started to skim over the paper that my teacher just gave me
" now you are just gorgeous" I heard a someone say
I looked up from my paper and I saw a guy with brown hair and blue eyes looking down at me.
I blushed slightly, he pulled out the chair and sat down across the table from me.
" My name is Ben" he said
" Katie" I said placing my paper down on the table and opening my Coke
" I haven't seen you around here" he said
" well I don't get out much " I giggled " no I usually am either at the sorority house or on the farm" I shrugged
he smirked "well since you don't get out often can I take you out at some point" he asked
I looked at him stunned
" well you have to say something," he said" you can't leave my hanging here"
" oh um" I said" but I don't even know you" I stated confused why he just outright asted me on a date without even knowing me.
he shrugged" Does that matter" he asked " you said your in a sorority we can have some fun" he winked. My face soured.
" I'll pick you up at 8?" He said
"oh no thank you" I said standing up and pushing my chair into the table.
I walked out of the dinning hall until I found the fountain in the middle of the campus quad, there are benches and stuff around it so I decided to read the paper there, hopefully without distractions. I found a bench to take a seat on and picked my paper up where I had left off.

" Hey wait Katie" I looked in the direction of where that came from "right you're Katie" It was Matt, one of Luke's friend
"Matt how are you" I asked setting my paper down on my lap
" I'm doing well" he said taking a seat next to me "so how are you" he asked. I looked up at him
" actually I'm ok" I said.He nodded his head and took a seat next to me
" so do you go to school here" I asked
" I used to" he said" I'm actually dropping something off to an old teacher" he said
" who" I asked
"Mr. jones" he said rolling his eyes
" he's so annoying" I said
" ooh you have him?" he asked
I nodded my head
" hey wait did you get the job" he asked me
" yeah" I said " I'm so excited"
" when do you work"
" in two weeks " I said
" well then I will see ya then" he said" I have to give this to Mr. Jones then head home"he said and got up and walked away


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