Chapter. 25

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I walked out of Chips office to go ask why Erica acted that way towards Katie. I found her in the barn and Alex was walking out. He stepped in front of me
"Bro.. bro just forget her. Focus on Katie, you're going to start drama, she's bad news man." Alex said as he placed his hands on my chest to stop me from walking any further.
Shocked I said "Wait how do you know that"
"Hannah told me" he said and walked away. "Don't fuck this up" he yelled back
I didn't even realize they still were still dating.
"Erica" I said walking down the barn "what the hell happened. What did you say to my girl" I asked her. Her face contorted when I said that
"I told her exactly what we've all been thinking." She said with her arms crossed "what happened to me being your girl Luke" she stepped closer to me. Snaking her hand on to my arm
"Excuse me" I said as I stepped back taking her hands off me. "Who is we"
"You and me Luke...duh" she stepped closer again
Anger boiled up inside of me
"Erica I love her. What the fuck did you say to her" I said looking down on her my body towering over her "you fucking tell me what you said to my woman"
Her eyes widened and she sunk down timidly "I told her that it's all her fault I didn't get the job here" she said "and I told her that she stole my best friend away from me"
My brow furrowed "Erica to be honest with you. You kinda ruined our friendship when you lead me on the first time when I was 19. When I needed someone in my life you left" I said "you always leave why would I want someone in my life like that who I can't rely on"
"Luke I came back for you when I realized what I lost" she said with flirty eyes her hands slinked up to the collar of my shirt and she tried to lean in.
I tried to push her off "Erica why would you...." I got cut off
"Really" Katie said standing in the barn aisle her eyes wide eyebrows raised and her hand on her heart.
"No no Katie" I pushed Erica away from me
"Save it Luke" Katie said and ran out of the barn
Erica scoffed I glared at her and  booked it after Katie
She ran across the gravel parking lot to her truck I tried to open her door
She rolled down the window. "Luke. Please stop, I'm trying to go home" she said.
"Please" I said pleading to her my hands on her window "please Katie let me explain it's not at all what it looks like I swear baby"
She looked so sad "leave me alone" she said. I saw a tear roll down her cheek "Please Luke. Please stop" She pleaded my heart was breaking in that moment
"Please Katie" I said almost in tears. She shook her head rolled up the window, put her truck in gear and drove away from me.
I stood here as I watched her truck drive off the dust in the air. In that moment I felt like my heart shatter into a million pieces. I stood there knowing that the most important person in my life was gone forever. I took my chaps off and walked to the locker room. The world around me had so much less color in it like my sunshine was gone forever. I pulled open the door and there was silence everyone looked at me not knowing what to say. I walked past them all just looking at my boots b-lining it for my locker. I got my keys and all my stuff and headed out to my truck. As I walked up I saw Erica leaning up against the truck waiting for me. I sighed
"Erica haven't you ruined enough" I asked bitterly
"Lukey" she flirted "do you want any company at home" she asked I tried to open my back door that she was leaning against. Pushing her off
"No Erica I want you to stay away from me. You always come in and ruin shit. Stay out of my life forever" I said and slammed my car door. "So help me god if you ruined shit the with me and the woman I'm going to marry so help me god I will kill you" I said honestly.
She stepped back with her mouth open, I opened my truck door hopped in and sped home. I wanted to give Katie some space for a little so I went up and got a shower. Letting the hot water run over my muscles. I slid down the shower wall so that I was sitting on the floor hunched over letting the water pour over me. I felt so lost not knowing what to do. I would have never let Erica kiss me I only have eyes for Katie. I know it looked bad from Katie's perspective but I was trying to push Erica off.
After my shower I got dressed and decided that Katie has had enough time by herself and that I had to go and talk with her.
I got into my truck and drove over there. I parked and walked right into her house. I walked into the kitchen "Where's Katie" I asked scanning the room.
"In her room but Luke i don't know if you should...." I heard her mom say but I was already up the stairs.

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