Chapter 27

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"Um what is going on" I turned around to see Katie with her arms crossed
"Oh nothing, uh Chip called and wanted to talk" I said lying I hated to lying to her and honestly I was kinda terrible at it too.
She frowned at me "you don't leave the room to talk on the phone" she raised one eyebrow at me again.
"Uhh I was already heading up to the barn anyways, the paint is giving me a headache and I wanted to go outside" I said trying to find a good cover, I think she was on to me.
She frowned and walked back inside the house, I checked my phone again to see that Ann had texted me that everything was planned and ordered. I walked into the barn and started to feed the horses.

Katie's POV

I walked into Lilly's room and checked to see if the walls were dry, I started to move her furniture back into place and I pulled out all the new decorations for her bedroom makeover. I pulled out her new comforter and laid that on her bed, I started to hang some decor on the walls, after some time it finally came all together.

I stood back and smiled at the finished product

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I stood back and smiled at the finished product. I quietly snuck out of her room and closed the door so that she couldn't peak at it. Her birthday was in two days so I quickly got changed and headed into town. I walked into the second hand tack store and walked over to the saddles. Walking up and down the aisles I finally spotted it, a pink and brown saddle. I quickly ran over to it knowing that Lilly will loose her mind once she sees this, she's been talking non stop about wanted a pink saddle. I smiled and took it up to the register. I paid for it and put it right into my backseat of the truck for Lilly not to see.

I got home and ran the saddle up to our closet and closed the door. I walked downstairs and Luke hung up the phone.
"Wow you've got a lot of phone calls today huh?" I asked. He's been acting so strange today and I can't figure out what's going on. He's distant and sneaky with his phone.
"Uh yeah, you know me I'm a busy guy" he said and quickly walked outside
What the hell was that! I thought to myself, he's never acted like this before. There's obviously something going on and he's hiding it. My stomach dropped as I had the worst thought, maybe he's cheating. My heart sank and I went up to go lay in bed and think about things. I walked in and he was in the shower. I crawled into bed and saw his phone sitting on the nightstand. Everything in me told me to check his phone but I didn't want to know the truth, I was so nervous I was sick to my stomach. My hand reached for his phone and a picture of us flashes on the screen as I unlocked his phone. I was shaking so hard, I scrolled to his phone app and opened it. I saw a few calls from my mom and a few calls from a number that I didn't recognize with my the contact name 'Lisa'. My finger tapped the contact and the phone started to ring, "hi Luke" said the woman on the other line my heart sank and I felt queasy and I quickly ended the call. I heard the water turn off and I quickly put his phone back on the nightstand. I pretended to be asleep as Luke walked out of the bathroom.
"Awe baby" he said out loud, he walked over and put his hand on my head and pulled the blankets up to fully cover my body. He leaned over and kissed me on the head "I love you" he whispered.
I flipped over "if you love me so much who the hell is Lisa" I screamed. Luke looked so shocked
"Were you pretending to be asleep" he chuckled.
"Luke who the fuck is Lisa" I demanded again, tears trickling down my cheeks. His face quickly shifted to concerned. He grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a hug but I pushed myself away from him.
"Is she the reason you've been so sneaky. Could you just break up with me instead of going behind my back" I cried "how long has this been going on" I was able to hold back my tears as I waited for him to answer me.
"No baby no I'm not cheating on you" he said deeply concerned looking. "Why would you think that" he said placing a hand on my leg
"Why have you been acting so sneaky and you've called her so many times" I cried
"Baby" he said looking at me in the eyes "you're the only one I want" I wanted to believe him but I was so conflicted. "I have a surprise planned for our date and I had to have some help from someone" he said.
"I just need you to believe me. I don't want to ruin your surprise. I've been working on this for a while" I believed him. I slowly nodded my head and he scooted closer to me on the bed, he brushed away my tears.
"Pinky promise" I said looking up at him
He extended his pinky "I pinky promise baby" he interlocked his pinky with mine. I dried my eyes and he held me in a tight hug.
"Come on cheer up" he said and kissed me "everything is good" he smiled at me. I heard my phone buzzing and I opened it seeing that Hannah was calling
"Hello" I said answering
"Hey girl, so I was wondering if you wanted to go get a massage with me, I booked a couples massage and freaking Alex said he's not doing it, they won't let me cancel so please come" she pleaded.
"Uh sure what time is it" I said agreeing
"Like in 20 minutes so meet me in town right now" she said and hung up the phone.

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