Chapter 15

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Recap of Chapter 14,

I didn't respond as I was near frozen. I slowly lifted my head shakily, and thats when I saw it,

The supposed beast of legend, stood right over me....

Chapter 15,
The Beast's True Heart,

You can't judge based on looks, although you see a beast on the outside, they may have a heart of gold on the inside..

Accalia's POV

I was frozen with fear as I looked into the beast's blazing purple eyes. It's muzzle was formed in to a snarl, with it's gleaming fangs showing. I felt my heartbeat increase as the time seemed to stop for a eternity, and then I noticed the beast softened it's eyes. "By all means don't stop on my behalf, please continue." He spoke and I raised a brow in confusion. What on earth does he mean? I asked myself as my thoughts swarmed around. He means don't stop undressing dummy, Celia spoke up in my head. Oh.... EW! GROSS! Though I have to admit his fur is quite handsome, Luna spoke and I rolled my eyes.

I looked up at the creature, he looked like a fox but I wasn't sure. He had features that a normal fox wouldn't have, and let's not forget his size...

"So you're the beast everyone speaks about?" I asked out loud and the creature growled deeply. "Beast?.." was all he said before growling again. His whole body seemed to shake with anger, "how dare they treat me this way.." he mumbled and I became curious. "Who treated you this way?" I asked and he turned away and started walking off. "He-hey wait for me!" I called after him and I ran to his side, Diablo following a few feet away.

The fox like creature then whipped around suddenly to my surprise, his face lowered to my face and his eyes seemingly looked through me. "What makes you think I won't eat you girl? Or perhaps burn you to a crisp with my fire breath?" He growled deeply and I stared right in to his eyes. "What reason would have for doing that? If you were hungry you would have killed me back there already." I responded to him and he seemed surprised as his eyes widened. "Hmm.." was all I heard from him as he turned around and began to walk again.

I started to follow him once more and then I heard his voice again, "are you not scared of me?" He asked and I shook my head. "Nope I'm not" I spoke in a soft voice and he turned his head a bit in order to look at me. "Why is that?" He asked his voice seemingly contained curiosity, and I finally managed to catch up to his front left paw so we could talk better. "Well because, I was expecting a fire breathing dragon or something like that. However instead it's just a fox" I said with a soft smile.

"Just a fox?...." he softly growled as he stared at the ground. "Just a fox?" His voice increased in volume this time and he turned his head to look right at me. His eyes narrowed to slits and his eyes glowed brightly, "is that how the story is told now?! So I'm just a beast?!" He yelled in my face and to be honest his breath had the stench of rotting flesh and blood.

Good job now you've done it, Celia spoke and I growled in my mind. Shut up Celia, I got figure this out somehow.

I began to panic and waved my arms in the air as a surrender almost. "No no! I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry! Please don't be offended!" I paused for a second and lowered my arms, "why would that offend you?" I asked and his eyes seemed to soften now. "Apology not accepted. However I shall tell you my story in a moment once we reach my home" he said and I nodded.

We walked for a bit longer before reaching a large cave and I made a disgusted face upon seeing it. Of course he noticed it and narrowed his eyes, "excuse me I know I'm not the best at home decor but there's no need for that face" he pouted and I smiled sheepishly. "Ha ha sorry about that" I said and looked at him, "damn right" he growled before walking inside. I followed him swiftly and upon entering I found myself very surprised.

Inside the cave was a shine or a small house that seemed hundreds of years old, yet it still looked brand new. It was so well kept and I turned to look at him in confusion. "I suppose I should tell you the story now, listen up" he spoke in a annoyed voice almost as if he wasn't looking forward to this.

"It all started about 200 years ago-", he began but I interrupted him, "that's a long time" I said with my eyes a bit wide in surprise. "Don't interrupt me" he growled a warning and I nodded a sorry.

"It was 200 years ago, that's when it started at least. For about 500 years I was a guardian of a village. The villagers looked up to me like I was a god and often prayed to me, they would even give me offerings. However as time went on, they began to forget about me and soon replaced me. So I became resentful and I was left alone to my shrine, after 💯 years of loneliness, I attacked them. I burned their homes to the ground and left no one alive as punishment." He paused and looked at the ground for a moment.

"Not long after that the War happened, and the kingdoms joined forces in order to defeat the foreign invaders. However I was still angry that no one remembered me anymore, and turned my anger out on to them. After they defeated the invaders I attacked their armies one by one. You see the forgotten kingdom was my fault, I burnt it to the ground even if innocents were consumed by my fire. The remaining two kingdoms became fearful of my power and Doloria and Citania joined forces in order to defeat me. I thought I could defeat them but much to my surprise they had brought a powerful wizard from a foreign land. The wizard then used his powers and banished me to the island before I had a chance to attack. The barrier of fog was then created to keep me contained here forever, but for some reason I can feel it weakening. Each day its power becomes weaker and I can feel my power returning to me." He finally finished his story but I was falling asleep using his fur as a pillow.

"!!!!!" He made a face of annoyance. "Excuse me! I'm not a pillow! Here I am pouring my heart out into my tale and you're falling asleep!" He growled and I rubbed my eyes. "I wasn't falling asleep I swear, it's just-" I was cut off by him, "just what?" He asked but I had already began to drift off.

"Please don't fall asleep on me, that means I have to transform into my human form and carry you." He whined and I yawned, "too late.." was all I said before going in to a deep sleep.

" was all I said before going in to a deep sleep

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Sorry for not posting the chapter for so long. I decided not to edit the words, and I only put one picture xD

Anyway sorry about that, but hey I've made you guys wait long enough. Oh btw, happy thanksgiving everyone!

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