Chapter 13

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Recap of Last Chapter,

He slowly moved his shirt down and to the side revealing a birthmark. It was in the same exact spot, and it was the exact shape as mine...

Chapter Thirteen,
A Prisoner Amongst Vampires Part 2,

When you're imprisoned in a vampire's dungeon what would you do? You're forbidden to leave to let your mate know your alive, and your newly found sibling is not allowed to help you. Everything seems lost in this abyss of darkness....

Michael's POV

I looked at Gabriel, tears forming in my eyes. He had the same exact birthmark, and that was enough for me. Without hesitation I leaped into his arms in a embrace, he was surprised at first but hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. My tears began to flow like a waterfall would, and Gabriel was sobbing. "My brother at last I've found you" I managed to say before returning to a sobbing voice just like Gabriel. "We're more than brothers Michael, we're twins and those are the best kind." Gabriel spoke softly, he wasn't crying as bad as I was but he still had tears streaming down his face.

Gabriel suddenly wiped my tears away and then wiped away his, pulling away from the embrace. I had a surprised look on my face and stared at him, and he smiled softly. "Come on then let's get going, if Caden were to find out you weren't where he told me to leave you he might kill both of us for sure." Gabriel spoke with his voice breaking still and put his shirt back on. He whistled for Daisy to come over and climbed on before he held out his hand to me. I reached for it and as soon as I grabbed it he pulled me up on the back of the saddle like I weighed nothing.

Gabriel kicked Daisy into a walk and then into a gallop, for fear of falling off I held on to Gabriel tightly. My face red and burning hot as I rested my head on his back.

A Few Hours Later...

Daisy seemed tired, and it was clear Gabriel didn't want to push him too hard so we remained at a slow pace. By the looks of it the stallion seemed annoyed at going so slow, but we eventually reached the castle. I was so fearful of it, afraid of Caden. Just what would he do to us?

As we entered the castle gates, my worst fear came true. Waiting there for us was the prince himself, Caden.

"What do you think you're doing disobeying me Gabriel." He spoke in a cold tone and his stare seemed to pierce my brother's eyes. His cold stare sent a shiver down my spine as I tried to make myself look smaller behind Gabriel. "Caden forgive me I-" before Gabriel could finish Caden cut him off. "I don't care I told you to take him to the dungeon, why is he with you riding Daisy?" Caden stared right into Gabriel's eyes, and the stare off seemed to last forever. "Take him to the dungeon now" Caden said and finally looked away with a scoff seemingly under his breath. "Wait! I have to let me mate know I'm all right!" I suddenly cried out and Caden looked at me coldly. "As if I give a damn about your mate or where you're from" Caden spat and looked at Gabriel. "Gabriel I forbid you to help him do you understand me? Break this order and I'll have your head sent to me on a platter." He said with a hint of cruelty, by his tone he seemed serious.

But it's not fair! What did I ever do to you to deserve this Caden? Don't you have a mate of your own that you know and love? Can't you understand?! I cried to myself in my head as Gabriel dismounted Daisy. "Yes your highness, I understand" Gabriel spoke in a nearly broken voice and kneeled before the prince. My eyes widened at his response, Gabriel you can't! Are you really going to do this to me? My eyes were close to tears. I just found my brother, my twin and already he's going to betray me.

Caden had two other vampires by his side, both were girls. One had black hair and blue eyes while the other had honey like eyes with purple hair. "Lilith, Opal, take the prisoner to the Dungeon. I took a step back about to run away, but it was too late. The one with long back hair had already cuffed my hands with silver chains. Gabriel just remained kneeled before Caden, as if he was prevented from moving.

The purple haired one began to drag me away and the black haired one stayed behind for a moment, "Gabriel please forgive me" I heard her speak in a whisper and then she quickly caught up to us. They both dragged me easily despite how much I fought them. They dragged me all the way to an old wooden door, and dragged me down the horribly made stairs. My wrists felt like they were going to tear off by now, the silver really did a mark on me.  Just when I thought the worst was over, they threw me like I was a feather into a dark cell and my body felt like it broke from the force.

I coughed up a little blood and looked up at them as they closed the door forever shutting me in the darkness. I couldn't move from my chained hands and I already felt the effects of my previous wounds, when they threw me against the wall. Instead of fighting I just lied there, not wanting to move and wondering why my brother betrayed me. It seemed like forever passed, maybe it was a few minutes or hours.. maybe even days..

I didn't feel hunger, I didn't even feel any emotion, my thoughts became blank and dull when suddenly the door clicked and opened up. The light that flooded in caused me to look away and get adjusted to it. When I looked back standing there was Gabriel and he placed a torch inside my cell. "I'm sorry I took so long, I had to make sure Caden wasn't suspicious of me" he spoke in a whisper but I avoided eye contact. "Michael, you have to understand, loyalty to my prince is my top priority. I feel like I'm betraying him for doing this but if I don't do this for you I'll feel bad." Gabriel whispered again and I finally looked him in the eye, I was a bit surprised at first. "Do this for me?" I asked in a confused voice and then my eyes lit up, "you mean, you'll let my mate know I'm all right? Tell him to come get me?!" I became excited at Gabriel nodded hesitantly, but he nodded.

"Ill be back soon, all you have to do is wait for my return" Gabriel spoke and I nodded. Gabriel then proceeded to remove the Silver Chains from my hands and I smiled. I watched his back quietly as he walked out of the cell and locked the door. He left the torch for me so I could see and I felt grateful for his kindness. Now all I have to do is wait, I have to wait until I get word from Gabriel with news of my Mate...

Gabriel's POV

A few hours later...

I snuck into Doloria's kingdom and past the normal human guards of the castle. I wore a mask to keep my face hidden, and a long black cloak to hide my figure. I needed to find Michael's mate, I believe his name was Alexander or Alex for short. My biggest worry was that I would run in to a pack of Loup Garou guards, that would cause me a lot of trouble I didn't need.

I leaped over a tall leaf hedge in the garden only to be stopped by a sword pointing to my throat. I froze as I looked at who was standing there, he had a massive muscular figure and smelled like a dog. "Who are you?! Why did you come here?!" The man yelled and not long after that yell some reinforcements came. Son of a bitch... There goes my chance to find Michael's mate... I was really annoyed now but my mask prevented my emotion from showing. "Answer me vampire!" The man growled and I sighed. He suddenly pushed his sword into my throat a bit more, and it was enough to draw some blood. "I'm looking for Michael's mate" I came clean and told him and he lowered his sword a bit. "Michael?..." he spoke in a soft voice and I nodded. The man then raised his sword to my throat again, "Michael is dead! Everyone knows that! We won't fall for your tricks!" He yelled in a angry voice and I put my hands up mid-air. "Michael isn't dead! I saved him and treated his wounds! We spent time together! He sent me to tell his mate he's okay!" I spoke quickly hoping he'd lower his sword, and he did. He lowered it to my chest now, his hand shaking. "How do you know Michael?..." he spoke as if he was choking on tears. Slowly I raised my hand putting it on my mask, "Because" I paused as I took off my mask, "I'm his brother...."

Everyone seemed surprised and each one of them had taken a step back, that's when I felt a pain in my heart. My heart hurts, it feels like it will burst... Caden! Stop please! It hurts! I know this is your power! My thoughts pleaded as I fell in my knees with a grunt in pain. The sensation of Caden's power was overwhelming, "P-Please listen to m-me I don't have much time.." I tried to finish but the pain I felt was beyond words. My eyes suddenly went wide as my heartbeat increased in speed, I couldn't move any body part despite my struggling. I suddenly froze, unable to move or struggle anymore as I felt myself evaporate and turn to ash...

Well that's the end of this chapter, sorry there's no pictures. I don't want to spend 3 hours searching pictures up like I normally do.
What do you think happened to Gabriel? :o did Caden kill him? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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