Chapter 12

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Recap of Chapter Eleven,

I broke into a run to go after him only to be stopped by Caden with a hand. "Let him go, we no longer have to fight" he spoke and sheathed his sword. I looked back over at Michael the one who looked like me and thought I saw movement...

Chapter Twelve,
A Prisoner Amongst Vampires,

Vampires often kill their enemy, the word mercy doesn't cross their minds. So the questions remain, why would Caden spare a mangy wolf, a ally of Nicholas? What crossed his mind when he impaled that wolf? And why didn't he finish him off like the other wolves he killed so often?....

Caden's POV

Gabriel turned to me after he looked back over to the whimpering Michael. "Should I-" I cut Gabriel off, "No take him to the dungeon, and Leave him there to rot.." I spoke coldly and turned away. However the truth was I didn't want to see this wolf die, it's why I didn't finish him off. I couldn't kill what looked like my most trusted friend Gabriel. It seems that weakness had grabbed ahold of my heart, preventing me from delivering the final blow. I shouldn't have spared him. Gabriel, I trust you will take care of this my friend. Do not let me down...

About a hour or so later..

A while had passed by now and I went back to my room, It was way past time to retrieve Zera, or Accalia now I guess. I'll have to ask her when I get back, after all I just up and left her there in the town without warning. At least I know my horse Diablo is looking after her, she'll be safe until I return.

I made my way to my balcony to get some air when I happened to see Gabriel riding his horse out the castle gates. He was carrying that look alike of his, and I narrowed my eyes. Gabriel.. Just what in the hell do you think you're doing disobeying my orders?...

Gabriel's POV

I watched Caden leave the room and walked back over to where Michael lied. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, blood trickling down his chin as he spit it out. "You going to finish me off now?" He spat offensively with whatever strength he had left. With a sigh I bent down on one knee and looked in his eye, "Now tell me, why would I do such a thing?" His eyes widened at my response, it seems he hadn't expected something like that to come from my mouth. "Just... who are-" his voice was cut off as he fainted. It wasn't surprising since he had used up nearly all of his strength.

I put my right arm behind his neck, under his delicate head and my left arm under his small legs. Then I proceeded to lift him up slowly, he was so light and he would be cute if there wasn't so much blood on him. With haste I walked out of the throne room, and despite what Caden ordered I refuse to take him to the dungeon. I know this sounds odd, but I could almost feel Michael's pain. It was like we had this connection or something. With that thought on my mind I carried him down the long empty halls and to the healing center.

"Flora! Flora are you here?!" I called out as I gently placed Michael on a bed. "My goodness there's no need to yell, I'm standing right next to you fool." A voice hissed behind me and I turned around to see Flora. "Flora, please I'll do anything. Please help him" I begged her, plead was clearly seeping out in my voice. She glanced at him once then looked back at me with a scowl, "a mutt?" She asked while attempting to stare me down. "He looks a awful lot like you Gabriel, what's the meaning of this?" She growled and I sighed. "Please I'll tell you everything later, I'm asking you to heal him." I told her and I sunk to the floor bowing deeply. She looked startled, "all right! all right! I'll heal him just stop bowing like that you weirdo."

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