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There comes a time in a story when you look around cautiously to make sure nobody else is watching what you are reading. The reason is usually LEMONS. I don't think this as extreme, but really, there is some MAJOR kissing. I'll separate the part with a _*_*_*_ and then end it with that so that if you don't want to read it you can skip. XD but you'll probably read it it's not that bad (trust me, I've read worse)

And it's literally like 3 paragraphs so it's not too bad.

"Meeting adjourned. James T Kirk will be responsible for everything she does that could potentially harm the Federation in any way," The man pounds the hammer on his desk. Everybody starts to get up and talk amongst themselves. Kirk turns right to you.

"Look. I believe that you are good and wont do anything to harm the Federation. But you need to be a little careful about what you do from now on. Just try not to do anything that will upset them or make them feel threatened. Got it?" He says. You nod. He relaxes. "Good. Lets go back up to the ship."

You, Spock, and Kirk part ways with the few officers that are on your side, then start to walk out of the building. Kirk communicates with someone up on the Enterprise, and you are all beamed up within a couple minutes.

Though the Enterprise has always been your home, it feels cold when you get on. Not physically cold, but like something was missing. Spock and Kirk walk off like nothing is out of place, leaving you behind. You slowly follow, leaving at least 10 feet in between you and them. They don't seem to notice at all. Only adds to your sickening feeling that something bad is going to happen.

When you walk by Pavel's room on the way up to the bridge, you stop. You put your ear up to the door and hear that someone is in there. Quietly, you knock. Pavel comes to the door and opens it up.

"Jay!" He says, and hugs you. You smile and inhale his sweet fragrance through your nose. He brings his hands around and tickles your side. You back away, laughing. He holds onto one of your arms and pulls you into his room. 

He proceeds in tickling you more as he has you in one space. You are laughing without end as your sides feel like they are going to cave in. "Pavel! I'm not good with tickles!!" You playfully yell at him. A smile spreads across his face and he stops for a second. His lips touch yours. filling the empty space in your heart. Then his hand weaseled its way to your ribs and started tickling them again.

You collapse onto the ground, laughing. Pavel follows you down and keeps on tickling. When you are done wriggling beneath him and he is done tickling you, he places his hands on the ground just above your shoulders. He looms over you, gazing into your eyes.


He leans in and kisses your lips softly, yet a hint of roughness is mixed in. You are startled, but kiss back passionately. His lips move across your face and onto your neck, seeming to savor every kiss. The freckle on your left shoulder is your most sensitive spot, and so when he kisses it, you seem to melt inside. But you keep kissing deeply, not wanting to miss a moment. You'd never done this before. It is a new sensation, happiness, wonder, and love all mixed into one.

Your arms wrap around Pavel, and you pull yourself up to his shoulder and inhale deeply. He smells like boy, to be completely blunt. Like boy clone. He gently moves your shirt off from your body, leaving you in a tank top. You pout out your lip. "Not fair!" You say innocently. But he just rolls his eyes playfully and goes back to kissing your collarbone. After that, he kisses your lips. Hard. Your lungs scream for air as you kiss back, and after a few more seconds of beautiful agony, he pulls away and again, props himself up above you.

He pulls you up and you put your back on the wall. You let go of his hand, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him close. You could feel one of his hands on your back, and the other gently stroking your hair. His lips seem to move in sync with yours as you kiss, eyes closed. Then he leaves you with one soft, heart-filled kiss, and pulls away so he can tell you something.


"Jay, did I ewver tell you just how much I lowve you?" Pavel whispers softly into your ear. You nod softly.

"I love you too, Pavel. I agree that some of the best things are made in Russia," You gently say back.

He looks deeply into your eyes. "You know...I bet you hawve some Russian blood in you. I don't zink anybody but zose of Russian decent could hawve kissed zat well," He smiles. You smile back. You were never afraid that he was going to take complete advantage of you, because he just didn't seem like the kind of person who would do that. You run one of your hands through his soft, curly hair.

Someone then comes pounding at the door. "PAVEL LAD WHAT THE 'ELL ARE YE DOING IN THERE!!" You realize it's Scotty, the Enterprise's chief engineering officer. Pavel quickly scrambles to the door, but gives you time to put your shirt back on. Pavel then opens the door when you're up and sitting on his bed. Scotty pokes his head in and looks around. "What's she doin in 'ere?"

"We were...talking before ze ship was underway," Pavel explains, scratching his head nervously.

Scotty laughs. "Talkin, I'm sure, lad," Scotty pats him on the shoulder then looks at you. "Good choice. They need you up on the bridge now...but I can tell 'em you're busy." Scotty walks away. Pavel then walks back to you and wraps his arms around you.

You nuzzle into his shoulder, and he does the same to you. He then pulls away, but keeps his hands on your shoulders. "Jay, there is something I need to ask you. For real," He says. You nod.

"Anything," You answer. He gets down on one knee, and holds onto both of your hands. You go completely speechless. Tears brim at your eyes.

"Jay...."Pavel says, loud and clear. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

A happy tear trails down your face. "Yes. Yes. Pavel I love you so much!" He stands up and you throw yourself into him. He catches you and kisses the top of your head. Though you can't see it, you know he's smiling.

And needless to say, it was the beginning of one of the most amazing friendships possible.

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