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You woke up the next day, and immediately started to get ready. It was almost noon, and you were ready to see what the heck this boy was talking about.

You slip on a pair of one of your new jeans and then a cute t-shirt, then quietly slip away from your hotel room; Bones is still sleeping. You didn't want to wake him up at all. He earned the 14 hours of sleep he was getting, because he usually didn't get more than 5.

You open up the double doors just to get warm beach air melts into your face, making you sigh in comfort. It made you feel like you were weightless, soaring through the open sky. But then you remember your mission. So you put on your undercover-like sunglasses and start to walk to the mall.

By the time you get there, it was 12:30. You quickly run to the store, and then stop before you get to the jeans section. You find something to hide behind that was close, but not too close he would notice that you were there. The boy is there, and was talking to someone on his ear-piece phone. You could hear about everything he was saying.

"She's the one. I knew her for 12 years yes of course I'm going to recognize her...Yes...She's going to be here...Ok...pick me up at 15:00. I'll bring her too. She'll have no idea it's coming...Just go with it, darnit! Ever since we lost her, you've been the one who had most want her back!...I know I know...I've gotta go. She'll be here any second," He says to the person through his phone. You see this as your opportunity to go.

You walk out from your hiding spot when he isn't looking your way. "Hey. Come to me with some answers?" You say and he looks your way.

"I have, in fact. Come sit down," He gestures to the seats that are along the wall. You both sit down.

"Ok, pretty boy, this better be good."

He sighs and prepares to tell you everything. "Well, let's start off with some knowledge about you. Where are you from?"

You hesitate. "Why do I need to tell you that?"

"Just go with it. I need to know if I'm going to tell you everything."

"Fine. I don't really know where I come from. I was found on a planet. End of story. Now tell me why you called me (y/n) the other day."

"Ok. I know it's really you then. We, the company I work for, were doing some experiments with genetics. You do know what the Federation is, right?"

You nod your head. Bones had explained it to you before. 

"Good. We believe the Federation is too in control. So we formed a program. Regardless, my whole family was involved in the program, so when they said that they needed an egg to genetically modify, my mom donated. We had done something like this before, and you probably know who that is. Did anyone ever tell you about a person named Khan?"


"Basically, he was a superhuman that was designed to be better. At everything. He was meant to help the world and lead people to peace. But you know what happened? The Federation saw him as a criminal. So ok, Khan failed to do what he was supposed to do. We rebuilt. Tried things at a new angle. We wanted to make a weapon this time. So with the egg that my mom donated, we made that happen. We trained the girl up until she was 12. That's when the Federation figured out what we were doing. They shut our program down and shipped the girl away. To another planet. They weren't worried about what was going to happen to her, just happy that she wasn't going to be a threat to their society."

Your heart sped up. That couldn't be how...

"And that, (y/n), is how you were made."

You felt like every ounce of blood inside of you was boiling, ready to snap this guy in half. But you make sure you play it cool. "Thanks for telling me. Now I can go expose you to the Federation." You smile coldly as you get up.

"You can't. If you told them who you were, they would end you. They don't want you, (y/n). That's why you're meant to come with me now. To come back and fulfill your purpose and destroy the Federation," He smiles a smile that says two can play this game

You snarl at him, then turn to leave. He reaches for your arm but with lightning reflex, you turn around and punch his stomach. He flies back and you run out of the store, hoping no one was looking.

You run back through the streets to your hotel. You go out onto the beach that was in front of it; most of the crew, including Kirk, Sulu, Bones, and Chekov, were playing volleyball in the sand. You ran straight for them, your legs not tired by the 3-some miles you just ran.

"Dad, Kirk, Sulu, Chekov. I need to talk to all of you. Right Now. It's urgent. I may have just figured out where I'm from."

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