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You fiddle with the pen on your desk, anticipating the next message from Pavel or Sulu on your chatroom. They were going to let you know how your guy's prank went. You jump when your interface makes the notification sound. Instead of a written message, Pavel has sent a video he has managed to take. It basically goes like this:

Kirk: *yawn* so how's everybody doing?

Sulu: *snickers* just great, captain.

Kirk: What are you laughing at?

Sulu: Nothing, nothing...

*spock walks in, has 'I am logical' written on his forehead*

Pavel: *looks at spock* *starts laughing*

Kirk: *turns around to see spock* *laughs hysterically*

Sulu: *tries to not laugh but fails*

The whole bridge except for spock: *laughs*

|End of video|

You try to not laugh out loud, because the substitute chief medical officer is a little more strict than Bones ever was, so he'd probably go make you do something for him if he thought you were having fun. So all you emit is a small giggle. Then your communicator beeps. You flip it open. "This is Jay," You say to the other person. It turns out to be Bones.

"Hey. They're going to allow me to see you now. Can you come to my room?"

You almost jump up with delight. "I'll be down there very soon!" You say excitedly. On the other end, Bones laughs and then hangs up. As you walk out of Medbay, you start to skip.


You examine Bones's new leg with astonishment. You wouldn't have noticed it was a fake if you didn't know the whole story. They have obviously fused his stump of a leg and the new part surgically, because he can move it at his will. "This is amazing," Is all you can say. It truly is.

"Yes, it is. I'll be back in Medbay in about two days, I think. How's my replacement?"

You sigh. "Well..." He raises an eyebrow. "Let's just say that all of us who work down in Medbay wish you were there."

He chuckles. He looks the happiest he has been since you met the man, and he is still a huge father figure to you. "I'll be glad to come back too. But I will miss the room service that I've been getting."

"Kirk's been fun to stay with, but I really want to come back in here. I missed you dad," You give him a hug. His chest is warm, and you never want to let go.

"I know it's only been a couple weeks or so, but you really have grown up so much while I've been here, Jay. You are a joy to be around, I hope you know that. I don't know who or what left you on that planet, but whoever it was they were stupid for not keeping such a talented girl," He smooths your hair down while saying this. You suddenly get a gutting feeling. You hadn't mentioned the fact that you could throw things really hard and fast.

"Bones, there's...something I need to tell you," You say, and it feels sort of like you're telling him your pregnant.

He looks at you with a tilted head to show you that he's confused. "What is it?...What did the stupid Ensign do to you?"

You smile a tiny bit. "No, no, he didn't do anything. It's just...I'm not normal. Less normal than I thought I was."

Bones nods, as if encouraging you to go on.

"I was down in the gym with Pavel and Sulu, and we started throwing baseballs. I went up to throw my ball, and when I did, I threw it a freaking 145 miles per hour. Then when it was bouncing around at that speed, I caught it with lightning reflex. I have no idea what is going on, but I think it's some sort of super power," You explain as best as you could. You sit there, waiting for his reaction. He just kind of examines you for a minute, as if he is seeing you for the first time. After he's done, he just says a couple words.

"Let's go to Medbay. Now."

You walk down in silence. When you finally get down there, which takes a bit longer because Bones is still adjusting to his leg, all he does is get you onto a bed. You lay down, not wanting to say anything. Bones pushes your bed into a part of Medbay that you'd never seen before. It was a big white room, and there was a tube in the middle that was hooked up to a bunch of computers and wires. You finally couldn't take it anymore. "Dad, what in the world is this? Are you mad at me?"

He sighs and stops pushing your bed. "I'll explain later, Jay, but I need to check something. And no, I'm not mad at you," He attempts a smile, but then goes back to hooking up this machine. He then holds your frail hand. "I'm going to put you in this and monitor your brain and everything inside it. If you really have some sort of super power, it'll show up here. But, I'm going to need to put you under for it. Ok?"

You had never been knocked out before, so you are a little frightened. But he's the doctor, so you don't argue. You nod your head. He then leans down and kisses your forehead. "You're going to be just fine, darlin. Don't worry about a thing"

That's all you remember before Bones injected the needle, and you went black.

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