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You walked over to your interface on your desk in Medbay. Not many doctors are there, but still some are playing around or actually doing work. Not many are doing the latter. 

Message Pavel Chekov?

Yes: You touch. Then you start to write out your message to Pavel.

Pavel, they're asking me if you want to come up and stay with me because I'm not going down to the hotel to sleep. Wanna?

You sigh and sit down in your chair, waiting for his answer. One of the doctors comes over to your desk.

"You look down. What's the matter?" She asks. You had seen her around, but didn't know her name. "Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Carol Marcus." She holds out her hand for you to shake.

You remember what Bones taught you. When someone hold out their hand, you shake it. So you shake her hand. "My name's Jay," You tell her. "I'm not really a doctor, I'm still learning about everything here."

She smiles. "I know, I've seen you around. Aren't you Bones's little girl?"

You make quotation marks in the air. "Yeah he's like a dad to me."

"Fun. What are you doing up here? I thought you were supposed to be down on shore leave. On the few occasions that I went in to see how Bones was recovering, he told me about how when you guys went down, he was going to show you all the things he used to do as a kid. He seemed so excited," She tilted her head.

"Well...there was something that happened. I'm going back down tomorrow hopefully," You smile, and she doesn't question it further. Your interface beeps at you.

"Well, I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing. Bye!" She waves as she walks out the door. You check the message from Chekov.

Sure, I'll beam up in a couple minutes.

You sigh with relief. You wont be alone the whole night.

You start to walk to the transporter room, in hope that Chekov would be there by the time you got there. You loved taking the turbo lift because of all the buttons inside. When you went to get on, it made you wait because somebody else was already on it. You waited patiently, and when the lift doors opened, it opened to your friend.

He smiles as he comes out of the lift. "Hey, Jay."

You do the unexpected and hug him. "Hey, Pavel."

When you both pull away, he is blushing like a tomato. "So, what did you and Spock figure out what ze heck was up wiz zat boy? Or how you're going to stop him?" He avoids eye contact with you out of embarrassment. 

"We got the DNA off my arm, but apparently it takes all night to transfer to a computer. And we're supposed to be 'advanced'," You say very casually. Pavel is still embarrassed. You put your hand on his shoulder. "I can not do that if you want. You know, hug you and all."

Pavel instantly looks up at you. "No, itz fine, it just got me by surprise. I-I'm...rather happy zat you did zat. It made me feel better. I'wve been wery worried about you. Figuring out all zis must be hard for you."

You nod. "It's a bit pressuring, but I'm really just fine." He smiles at you, obviously relieved that you're ok.

You both start to walk towards your room in silence. It was probably the longest time that you two had not talked. You enter in the code to your room and walk in. You go to the closet and put on your old t-shirt and jeans, then walk back out to Pavel. You smile and remember how Bones used to take you down sometimes to the mess hall and get ice cream late at night in the first few days you were there, before you started to hang out with Pavel and Sulu.

"Hey Pavel guess what?"


You grab onto his arm and start to pull him out the door. "We're going to go get a midnight snack."

*(TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY tlhInganpu' {or for all you non-klingon folk, it's supposed to say Klingons})*

If there was one thing you loved more than hanging out with Pavel, it was stress eating ice cream. You get the food replicator to make you a gallon of ice cream, and that gets you a lot of weird looks from everybody.

"What? I'm a bit stressed, ok?" You say when a boy tilts his head at you. He shrugs and walks off. Pavel gets some, but he only gets a pint. After that, you both run up to the bridge, ice cream in hand. When the turbo lift opens up to the bridge, everyone says hi to Pavel. When he goes over to his seat, you are left in front of the lift, holding a big gallon of ice cream. You then walk over to Pavel's chair.

"So you gunna show me how this works?" You inquire as you take out a spoon and start to eat your ice cream.

He laughs. "I had to go zrew a couple years of Star Fleet to fully understand zis, I'll doubt you'll get it in one night. Maybe you should come up here more often. I can teach you ze basics," He smiles. Your heart melted. You can't fall for him. You can't! It's just not going to happen. He works too much and stuff. Just try to let it go...

"Sounds great! I really should come up here more. They aren't having me do much in Medbay, that's for sure," You roll your eyes. Bones's replacement had left, so things were a little more fun in Medbay these days, but it doesn't mean that you were doing anything productive. Though, one of your favorite times of Medbay 'productive' times was when the Captain walked in and all of you unleashed your stores of stress balls on his face. He had a very bad headache afterwords, but decided to just walk it off then risk getting hit in the face again by all of you doctors.

After that, Pavel showed you some of the basics on how to navigate a system. It was complicated, but for some reason you understood it. All your ice cream had found it's way out of the bowl and into your stomach. When you both had been up there for a while, you looked at your watch. "Gosh! Look how late it is!"

"You wanna go to sleep now?" Pavel asks. You nod.

"All this navigation stuff is getting me tired," You yawn. He smiles and gets up. You both walk into the turbo lift and go to the level that your room is on. By the time you get to your old room (which you very much missed) you are ready to collapse onto the bed. There is a stack of clothes on the table. There's a note on them that says they're your clothes that were beamed up. You go to put on the new clothes in the closet.

After you put them on, you snuggle up in the covers of the bed. Pavel walks out of the bathroom, a night shirt and sleep shorts on. He climbs into bed right beside you and hugs you from behind. You don't object and let him hold you. His warm body almost serenades you to sleep. Before you drift off to sleep, you hear 4 words:

"I lovwe you, Jay."

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