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You wake up in a cold sweat on a hospital bed. "PAVEL!!" You scream. No answer. You are in a completely empty, white room. Your arms are strapped onto the side of the bed. You tug at them but they don't budge. You try to remember what happened. Gunshot, door breaking, everything black. Door break? Yeah. Someone else came in. Didn't see them. Maybe they helped Pavel...maybe those men missed. Maybe?

The door on the right-hand side of the room opens, and you sit up to see who it is. It's the boy. Your heart races. You have so many questions for him.

"IS PAVEL ALIVE YOU BASTARD?" You yell coldly at him. He walks in with a chair, sets it right beside you, and sits down. "DID YOU REALLY KILL MY BOYFRIEND?"

He sighs. "Unfortunately, the men hit their target with their new weapon; insta killing guns. It didn't even leave a mark. And I can assure you, it was painless for your Russian," He looks up at you, waiting for your reaction.

You completely lose it. You start screaming and sobbing uncontrollably, and nothing can calm you down. Your body is trembling so much you can't sit up. You toss and turn vigorously side to side, making your bed bounce a bit. Tears stream down your face in plentiful waves. It's to the point where you can taste your own tears. "YOU HEARTLESS LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT WHY DID YOU KILL HIM HE WAS MY FRIEND! MY BOYFRIEND! WE LOVED EACH OTHER! I BET YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN LOVED SOMEONE BEFORE YOU'RE SO HEARTLESS!" You scream at him. He sits quietly, taking the heat. You see this as an opportunity to share your feelings. "WE WERE BEST FRIENDS! WHEN I NEEDED SOMEONE, HE WAS THERE. WHEN I NEEDED A SHOULDER TO CRY ON, HE WAS THERE. YOU PROBABLY HAVEN'T HAD A FRIEND LIKE THAT BECAUSE ALL YOU DO IS KILL OTHERS I ALMOST FEEL BAD FOR YOU BUT REALLY WHY?!! WHY??!!"

The boy is silent, but a single tear runs down his face. "I-I...I had a friend." You give him the face of udder disapproval. He continues. "It was you. Before the Federation found you, you and I would play. Everyday. When you were little, about 8 years old, and I was only 9, we used to play everyday. When you were 12, and they shipped you away, I lost it. I was so lost without you. I-I hoped that it could have gone back to the way it was. But you got mad at me and they forced me into taking your friend and using him as bait. I didn't want to kill him, but honestly I was a little jealous. He had been more of a friend to you than I had ever been. And really, I wasn't just your friend. My mom gave the egg that they would experiment on, so really, you're my younger sister. And I also noticed something. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Jake."

You have been silently crying the whole time, not just because of Pavel, but you are also amazed at the justification of this guy. It made sense what he was doing, not that any of it was right, but you were a little moved about it. But you still missed Pavel more.

"That doesn't make it right that you killed Pavel."

He stood up. "I didn't have a choice! They would have killed me!"

You stare into his eyes. "Sometimes it better to think about others than yourself. You think the Federation is in control? If you over power them, then you'll be the ones in control. It end up exactly the way it was. Then another rebellion will come, and then hopefully they know how to fix all of this. No. Unless there is a way to bring back Pavel, I am never  forgiving you."

He looks hurt, but you keep your straight, stern face. "I guess I'm done in here. I hope they tell you about me when you get brainwashed." He turns to the door and walks out.

Your head goes crazy. Brainwash? You had to get out of there. And fast. You tried again at tugging at the restraints on your wrists. Again, they don't budge. Then you try hard, while using your super strength. They crack, and while you keep pressure on them, finally break. You roll your wrists to get all the restlessness out of them. You're going to need all the strength you can get for your plan out of there.

You then hear people outside the door. You listen in.

"I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"But it's just the way it is."

"When are the brain washers coming?"

"In about an hour."

"See you then, I guess."


You started to get scared. An hour. An hour long to figure out your plan of escape and execute it. An hour to get out. An hour to get home.

An hour to maybe see Pavel




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