Chapter 20 The Dark One Returns

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 20 The Dark One Returns

The Gilmore foretold of the return of the evil one and also a past time of foreboding. The evil one a one Skylartar, know as the Dark Witch, the most evil of all the lands of her times and the one every Shaman ever to come before Morgana's time. Each year of their initial takeover from their predecessor, preformed a rite up on alter mountain together with said mentor to protect the lands. Morgana is the very first since the first Shaman not have her mentor's assistance in preforming these rites.

It is Morgana's belief that this is the cause of all that is going on within her village. The Dark one, Skylartar, has returned to reek her own form of hazard upon the land and upon Morgana herself, if at all possible. It was written in the great book at the very beginning of time in the first language; as they read it that very cold night as Morgans helped teach Patience the translation word for word. Startled when they finished the last words. 'A Shaman Must Die!'

“It no mean dat' can it?” Patience asked shaking her head side to side in disgust. “no way.”

“Well,” Morgana started, rereading it again for the umpteenth time, scanning her finger along the lines of text of hand written scribble on the ancient pages to decipher the true meaning in the words written down before them. “ It is either A or All Shaman Must or May D.., I no can make the mean of that word.” Morgana pointed to the last word in the group of Glyphs that was bailey readable dues to the extremely faint lines due to aging of the onion skin parchment used way back when.

The two women had gone so far as to scan back through the tome to search for more Glyphs to make up a list of all the known ones and make up meanings for each one they came across. Many had more than one meaning depending on what Glyph came before or after it. This was one tough language, but Morgana and Patience, soldiered ever onward in their quest to find the ultimate resolve for their village's problems.

Four days of studying the Great Gilmore night and day and another two more trying to figure out this word match problem so they could finally put and end to the Dark Witche's reign of terror as it be. They are so close, if they can only figure out these last four words meanings they will be well on their way. It is either a sacrifice or a battle leading to a death of a Shaman, but it must be precise to end the Dark Witch Skylartar's reign, and return the village to it's once peaceful and happy life.

Morgana was just taking a sip of her who-knows-how-many cups of tea trying to stay awake when she had a starting awaking.

Not, A Shaman, THREE SHAMAN!”

Morgana pointed to the combinations of the Glyphs they came upon from a different page entirely. This one was on performing an entirely different rite of passage on these very fetal grounds they are living on today. It was of olden times written down by the first Shaman as well to protect them in the very beginning; and forming the village of the Red Dawn. Now they were down to the last word of the four original words they started with, so they assumed.

Hours later and a few trips to the outhouse a couple more pots of tea each; they were no closer to finding the last puzzle pieces. Frustrating to say the least.

“Grrr,” Morgana growled in frustration startling Patience across the table from her where she sat pondering over a sheaf of paper of hand scribble with so many crossed out glyph combinationsit was mind boggling. 

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