Chapter 4 The Dark Night Arrives

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 4 The Dark Night Arrives

After a two hour restless nap Morgana awoke by Patience with a light tap upon her door. “I'm up... thank ya.” Morgana stated to the door as she rose up out of her comfortable bed, that didn't provide the needed comfort she would need from this short rest. Tonight was going to be a very long night–almost all throughout the nigh–before she finished up at dawn down at her house in the morning. A long night indeed.

Morgana dragged herself to the small basing by the side of the bed to wash her hands and face, trying to wake herself up before heading downstairs to see Patience out the front door for the evening. She would be alone all night to do this ritual, as it has always been done. This is the hardest part to being a shaman, giving of herself to keep this–her village–safe from harm and intruding people. They cannot be know by the outside world. The safety of the tribe and the world depends upon it. Thing are not always as they seem.

“Ya... Morgana sorry... How was ya sleep?” Patience corrected herself.

“Well enough,” Morgana cut herself off, she looked around the living space noticing that it had been swept and picked up. “ya cleaned.” It was more of a statement than a question, she smiled.

“Um... Yes. I was a tiny bit nervous I wouldn't wake ya...” She paused a moment to stead her words and try again. “O-on... time. I do busy work when I g-get... n-nervios. Yo... Morgana.” She corrected herself quickly again.

“I see that. Ya do wonderful work everything is nice and clean.” A smile came to Patience face. “It is time for ya to head home now though so I can get ready to head up the hill.” Morgana placed her hand at the small of Patience's back and led her to the front door that opened of it's own accord. Patience stopped for a second staring at the door as it opened a few feet in front of them. “Magic.” Morgana whispered into her ear with a giggle. Patience shuttered under her hand. “Ya will get used to it. Ya might even learn how to do it ya self one day.” Morgana winked at her when her head whipped around to look at her.

Once Patience left Morgana headed through the read door of her home toward the path that led up the mountain side. It was time to finish getting things ready for the dark moon ceremony she is to perform. Her heart is beating a mile a minute in anticipation of what is to come. Even though this is not the first time she has been through this it is her first time of doing it alone. Edwena has shown her several times and had her help two times in the past. Tonight she gets to do it for her first time with no help from anyone else, she has to keep taking calming breaths as she climbs the winding pathway to her alter.

Reaching the ceremonial circle she drops down to her knees, arms stretched out to either side, with palms pointing up, back straight, head tilted back up to the heavens up above. She has assumed the Goddess position before the great circle as she prays to her Goddess up above for guidance in tonight's great right.

She prayed till the new moon is directly over head before rising to remove her furs. This ceremony will be preformed skyclad so she can become one with the earth below her, the air around her, the water within her, and the fire she produces.

Morgana waked into the center of the circle just before the alter kneeling down up on the earthen grown cleared for just such a ceremony by the shaman who cam before her. She grounds herself to the earth at her knees and feet below her, as she settles in to begin the great spells of this night of darkness. Being grounder to the earth and everything around her is the one thing that binds her to the world of the living. The air and fire are the two things that bind her to the heavens above her. To her Goddess. Her inner spirit is what binds her to the greats that came before her. To Edwena the Great and the others.

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