Chapter 5 Mornings Rest, Afternoon of Teaching Gone Bad

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 5 Mornings Rest, Afternoon of Teaching Gone Bad

Patience was early to Morgana's home that next day waiting on her to come downstairs as she walked in with a welcoming pot of tea and warm bread to eat. As per Patience usual nervousness she was up and at em cleaning while Morgana was sipping her tea and consuming the bread for her breakfast. “Patience dear, why don't ya sit a spell with me? Have some of that tea ya made. It really is quite delicious.” She held her hand out to Patience as a gesture for her to sit and join her at the table.

“Um... Ya want me to join ya? For tea?” She inquires her doe shaped green eyes big and bright. Startled possibly.

“Yes, Please.” Morgana motioned for her to join her at the table. Patience is quite the timid one she is. “Please, Dear don't be afraid. I would never hurt ya. I want us to be friends.” Morgana looked up into her eyes as she said it. “Can we be friends?” Morgana smiled as Patience sat at the table a cup of tea in hands.

“Yes, I would like that.” She said back to her.

“I am going to get a few hours of sleep. If ya like ya can rest here or go home and come back at mid sun.” Morgana stated with big yawn, she was exhausted. She rose from the table after finishing her tea and bread and walked up the stairs to her bed stepping out of her furs and into a nightdress. She fell into the bed and was sound asleep the minute her head hit the pillow. She never knew if Patience left or not.

Morgana woke just before mid of day to the sound of birds chirping in her garden. The sun shining into her end window didn't help either. She slid out of the bed to her nightstand to refresh her face and hands with water out of her vase of water she always kept on the nightstand by the bed. Drying herself off she changed into her usual furs with a pretty teal color top under her fur vest. Then headed down to the living room, Patience was scurrying about cleaning once again. The living room and kitchen were immaculate and something was cooking in the kitchen that smelled heavenly.

“Patience, are ya cooking something?” Morgan wandered into the kitchen following her nose. The smells we truly wonderful. Roasted vegetable with a vegetable stew of some kind assaulted her nose. “What smells so good in here?” As she lifted the lid off the pot on the stove that was slowly simmering. Patience came up behind her.

“That is my mom's vegetable stew she taught me how to make. Ya had everything in the garden to make it. I hope I didn't do anything wrong taking from ya garden?” She shied away from Morgana.

“No that is great. Actually it is what it is out there for. Ya are an amazing woman cooking?, and cleaning? Ya will make some man very happy one day.” Morgana praised her.

“Oh no Morgana!... I just like to keep busy. My Mum says idle hands are the devils hands. I keep mine very busy.” Patience was shaking her head side to side.

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