Chapter 7 A New Day In The Village

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 7 A New Day In The Village

Dawn in the village. Morgana finished up her morning routine of washing, changing into a colorful blouse and underthings then her shaman furs. She heads down to the kitchen for her morning cup of tea. Upon arrival, Patience has water on heating for their morning tea and set out sliced bread, fruit cups with milk ready to eat. She is busy waiting at the stove for the water to boil, pot at the ready with teaball inside filled and ready to steep.

“Morn Patience,” Morgana waved as she sat before her bowl and pored milk over the berries and fruit. “How was ya sleep last night?” Wondering about her first night away from home and mother.

“Good,” She shut the stove off hearing the teapot whistle while Morgana was speaking. “I slept well thank ya. It is such a big bed. Bigger than ma old one.” Patience commented.

“That was Edwena's old room, Dear.” She told her. “I loved my room and decided to just keep it. I am so glad ya like it.” Morgana smiled up as Patience brought over the teapot with the now steeping tea. She pored two cups out, one for each of them, then set the pot down on a plate in the middle between them so it wouldn't burn the old wooden table. “Mmm. Delicious. My Favorite. Lavender with a hint of Mint. Ya going to spoil me.” Morgana brightly commented.

“Thank ya miss.” Patience sipped her tea, placed it down on the plate and pored some milk in her bowl and dug into her breakfast as well. They both ate in silence finishing their breakfasts placing the empty plates in the sink. Patience went to do the dishes.

“Leave them for later we have work ta do.” Morgana told her, taking her by the elbow leading her to the prep room for another quick lesson in herbal identification and usages. After about an hour or of learning the herbs, Morgana went out front to the box by the door to check for messages seeing as no one had walked in to request their services while they were busy.

“Patience dear, can ya bring the bag we must leave at once?” Morgana, reading the notes the village people had left in the night scanned that there wasn't anything special they would need to bring. “We should have everything we need in there,” She pointed to the bag Patience carried slung over her shoulder. “let's head out we have a lot of calls today.” Morgana fanned sever slips of paper in front of Patience to show her they were in deed going to have a very busy day. “This way dear...” Morgana Looked at the first slip again then back up. “To the elders house first.” Morgana led the way to Elder Nadine's house, their first stop on the way to the many others they would be doing this day.

“Ya go ahead and knock while I check this here slip again,” Morgana told her. Patience knocked on the elders door and waited. The Elder's husband opened the door for them to enter. “Good morn, Ya left a message for us to come see Elder Nadine this morn?” Morgana questioned.

“That I did indeed. Right this way.” He led them to the bedroom of the Elder Nadine who was in bed not looking herself at the moment.

“Can ya tell me what seems to be her problem today?” Morgana inquired as they were heading to the back room of the house.

“Well,” He began rubbing the hairs on his over grown chin hairs. “Last sup when we dined, she did not feel too good and went to bed. Late at night I helped her with a bedpan for her stomach. Now ya are here.” He shook his head side to side “She is not even keeping her tea in now.” A comment as he pushed the door to the bedroom open.

“Right, then leave us be and I shall tent to ya wife.” Morgana scooted Nadine's husband out of the room for privacy. “Now,” She went up to Nadine lifting her hand to feel her pulse, then a quick scan of her vitals as she has done over a hundred times in the past with others. “Ah. Ya ate Barb again. Nadine! When will ya learn ya can't eat that?” Morgana more talking to herself that the Elder Nadine who was looking asleep. “Patience. That green bottle please,” Morgana waited for Patience to rummage around in the bag for the really small bottle with the antidote for food poisoning she had concocted special for the Elder Nadine. Seems she is allergic to one of their home grown versions of rhubarb. She is the only one in the whole village that can't eat it strange that she even tries. “Thank ya. “Open up Nadine.” She pored the contents of the bottle down Nadine's throat, then both women sat back and waited and watched.

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