Chapter 8 A Word With The Tribal Leader

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 8 A Word With The Tribal Leader

The dog followed them home that afternoon from the farmers house. He never so much as let out a whimper of a complaint, just followed them a few steps behind the two women. Once there Morgana whistled for the dog to come inside–the dog shook by the door not entering–she tried several times unsuccessful. Sighing, she called the dog out back walking around to the rear of the house. He follow her.


Once at the rear of the house, Morgana sat on the stoop by the rear door, dog by her side. She reached out a non-threatening hand to the dog to sniff. It did. Calmed. Morgana used her powers of the Shaman to scan the dog for any further injuries that she hadn't found the first time she scanned. Deep scanning into the dog's physic– abuse–daily by the farmer, his wife. Kicked by the boy, punched in the side also, such a shame! This poor animal had to endure such treatment no animal should ever have to endure and still the dog loved it's masters. Morgana was visibly shocked.

Shattered by what she found, she healed what she could–pushing love and healing energy into the dog–and a feeling of well being. Then she instilled the feeling of being a part of a family, and being welcome within their family into the dog. Knowing that was about all she could do for this poor animal for now, she rose up from her spot on the stoop, Morgana encored the dog to follow her into the house.

The dog followed her inside just as if this had always been the dog's home. Though a trick of the mind, it was better than having the poor dog lying outside on the cold hard ground. Patience made the dog up a soft bed of extra cloth and old clothes pack into an old sack, then set it by the fireplace down in the living room on the first floor. He went to it and curled up into a ball after circling several times to matte it down. Falling fast asleep for the night.

Patience and Morgana made their evening meal, sat and ate in silence at first, Morgana was deep in thought. “Ya quiet this night Morgana?” Patience questioned.

“Ya lot on ma mind, I be going to bed early ta night. Ya should do the same with the way ya helped me out.” Morgana crawled up the stairs falling onto her bed on her back looking up at the stars she had painted up on her ceiling years ago. Counting them one by one. 'darn,' she thought 'That there poor dog,' She shuddered thinking about what the poor thing had been through. Falling asleep without even changing for the night.

Patience brought the dog a bowl of water and some left over stew with a couple of eggs she cooked to put in it for him. It was all they had at the moment. Then she trodded up to her own room for the night. During the night sometime the dog rose up and ate what was offered him and went back to sleep by the fire. Sleeping through the rest of the night.

By sun up both girl we stirring up in their rooms, just waking up. One from a dead sleep, the other from a restless one. Patience sat up stretching before springing from the bed to wash and change ready to head down for her morning routine of getting coffee and breakfast ready.

Morgana on the other hand, it was all she could do to drag herself off the bed without falling off, to splash water onto her face to get her eyes open enough to see what was before her eyes. Tired didn't even begin to describe how she was feeling after all the tossing and turning she did last night. The dog slept better than she did. After changing her blouse and underthings she stumbled down the single flight of stairs to the rooms below.

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