Chapter 2 A Day In The Life of a New Shaman

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved 

Chapter 2 A Day In The Life of a New Shaman

Morgana's day started with the usual chores, visiting the sick and injured in their homes. Blessing the fields and all the farming implements for the coming year their building and farming families. All the run of the mill things in the every day life of the village shaman. It is how they have always done it before, and how it will continue to be done. The Red Dawn Tribe hasn't changed it's ways of doing things as long as anyone can remember.

This Red Dawn Tribe has been here in this very spot, here in this country on the mountainside for as long as time itself. The reason no one has ever been able to cross into their land, is because of the spirit hexes cast upon it oh so long ago by the shaman who first settled here. Trying to cross into this section of the San Miguel Mountain range of New Mexico, you would hike right by it and never even see a village. Not even if you were to take an airplane above the tree level. The spirit hexes that are in place, totally hide the village down below from sight of anyone who is not of tribal heritage.

The Shaman and Elder leaders work hand in hand in the village as the ruler and protectors of their people. The shaman is the most important of them all for she keeps the dark one safely at bay of their village‒they still fear the dark one will come back one day‒while at the same time acting as the medical woman.

Morgana, while making her rounds of the village of nearly 350 homes, stops by the tribal leaders home for a quick chat and some home brew tea–something everyone offers. There is much to discuss between the two, being she is their new shaman.

Upon entering the two bow to each other Morgana to Marissa. Marissa leads their new shaman into the kitchen for talk and tea as well as to meet fellow elder Nadine sitting in her small kitchen. Nadine rises to greet the new shaman with a bow right as the tea kettle wails over on the stove.

“Looks like my timing was about right tea is ready.” Morgana covered her mouth with her hand and all but giggled out. “What type are we having this morn?” She inquired, though it was after noontime in reality her first day was flying by really quickly.

“Yes, just in time,” Nadine replied as she turned to reach for three teacups from the cabinet above the small counter, then three plates to put them on. “I hope lavender mint tea is OK with ya?” She asked. “We just picked it this morn from the garden out back.” Nadine glanced over her shoulder to look back at the shaman.

“That sounds delicious I must get some lavender to take home with me if ya have enough?” She replied. “I am a tad low on lavender for my medical supply if that is OK with ya?” She looked toward Marissa with a glance of hope in her eyes.

“Yes, yes, but of course, we have a very good harvest this season yea are very welcome to take what ya need with ya.” Marissa commented. They always help out the shamans with whatever they need in the way of herbs for the tribe. For anyone for that matter‒be it food, herbs, help‒it is share and share alike in the village.

Nadine placed three very plain looking teacups filled with tea down on the small wooden table sitting against the wall of the kitchen. Three chairs placed around it for them to sit at. Kitchens here in the tribe are mostly all alike, all the houses are very small, two bedrooms at the most for families with children, three for ones with an older boy and girl child. No family has more that two children though.

The exceptions are the Tribal chief and the Shaman who both have second stories above their main living space. The shaman lives upstairs with a spare room next to hers, which used to be Edwena's room–now empty. The first floor is sent up like a mini hospital of sorts. There is her apothecary room‒she calls her prep room‒for blending and storing all her medical herbs, spices, tinctures, potions and such. Then she has a work room with a table to lay patients on. She has a small living room and kitchen out back as well.

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