Chapter 18 The Witch & The Shaman

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Dark Moon of the Red DawnBy: LadyDawn

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 18 The Witch & The Shaman

The blue orb of fire flue past Morgana's head just missing her as she dogged to her left to miss it singing her hear knocking a few beads and a bone out that held them in place. Patience caught it head on with an open hand as it flue by and spun around and changed it to a red orb of light and sent it back on the right hand side of Morgana's body low and wide and with an upward angle toward Aleska. It was almost a dead on hit. Aleska.

“STOP!” Morgana shouted at ear shattering volume over the sound the orbs were making. “That be enough. Stop both y'all let us talk like adults.” Morgana stomped her staff on the ground causing the ground to shake almost causing Aleska and Patience to fall tumbling off their feet.

Every froze. Not a sound could be heard. Not a peep. “Now let us talk!” Morgana spoke again bright read in the faceshe was madder that angry bee hive that had just been struck with a stickbut she got everyone attention finally. “We not cause all that,” She waved her hands about herself up in the air to indicate the lightning and other phenomenon going on at Aleska's farm. “We come to fine out what it is not to cause it!” She exclaimed.

Morgana strutted by Aleska heading toward her house. Aleska and Patience followed her quietly behind. Off in the distance the occasional lightning strike could still be seen and the rumble of thunder could be heard. They finally made it to Aleska's porch and Morgana took a seat on the second step followed by Patience and finally Aleska.

“OK. So what,” Morgana pointed toward the sky and around. “Ya think goes on?”

Aleska shook her head looking down at the dusty dry ground at the foot of the steps contemplating the question. “I's has no idea. Ya no do, I no do, so...” she left it hanging out there.

Just then the door flew open and Nika stormed out on the porch hands balled into fists planted on both hips a look of total disgust on her face. “What they doing here? Tell them to go!” She yelled at Aleska.

Aleska turned to look at her daughter at the same time as both Morgana and Patience did “Hold ya tongue girl or I be holding it fo ya!” Aleska shouted back. Nika turned and stormed back inside slamming the screen door behind her as she did. Kids!

”Has ya been working spells here bouts lately?” Morgana inquired.

“What? Ya know? How?”

“Marissa our leader told me. She said ya a witch. Is ya?”

Aleska bobbed her head once for yes looking into Morgana's eyes not denying a thing.

“Ya didn't do anything ta do that?” Morgan pointed toward the recent lightning strike off in the distance. Aleska shook her head side to side slowly eyes downcast. “Nor did I,” Morgana stated. “So...” The statement was left open ended.

Patience and Morgana took to their feet and turned to the seated Aleska “We be going ya come see me if ya think of a way ta help...” it was left open for ideas. Aleska bobbed her head once then closed her eyes a moment before rising to head back inside her farmhouse.

Morgana and Patience headed back to their home as well it was a long quite walk both women deep in their own though. A confirmed witch among their tribe, lightning hailing down from a clear blue sky raining down all around the farm of said witch. Patience being able to control, change and handle the witch's magic. All interesting, but complicated problems to deal with. They rounded the final corner of the village heading into the village square where a large gathering of people were milling about. “I wonder what be going on?” Morgana voiced to no one in particular.

Waling into the center of the gathering they spotted Marissa and Nadine among the others and made a b-line for them. “Marissa,” Morgana called out above the loud voices of those gathered around the tribal leader. “Marissa a word!” Morgana stressed.

Marissa held up one finger to Morgana to let her know it would be soon. She walked off to the side of the gathered crowd to wait as Patience left her side to go speak to her mother Scarlett. Morgana sat at the edge of the elevated stage they used for speeches and village functions kicking her feet too and froit was a nervous habit of hersbut one she couldn't seem to ever control as of late. Marissa walked up to Morgana and planted herself down beside her with a grunt of frustration. “So...”

“What go on?” Morgana ask

“They all want ta know bout da' lightning. We lost two cows n a hen house.” Marissa informed. Morgana brow arched with the information.

“Great,” More bad news just what she needed to hear. She shook her head sadly. “I not know what cause it. Was ta Aleska just now it be there too all around. Bad.” Again she shook her head. “She not know either,” Morgana gained her feet and turned to Marissa. “I go now see what the great book say. Sent Patience along by n by.”

Morgana headed back to the Shaman house along dog nowhere in site. She let out a whistle to call for him. Shortly there after he was by her side scruffy thought he may be a welcome companion for the rest of the walk. She casually ran her hand down thru his fur as she walked the rest of the way. Once there Morgana check the front box for any calls then entered the house with dog and went to gather the very large and heavy tomb and carried it into the sitting room. Then headed back into the small kitchen to light a fire to heat water for some Lavender Mint tea. Her favorite a relaxing blend. She was going to need more then one cup to get her through reading well into the night.

She went back into the sitting room and lit a handful of beeswax candles and placed a few beside her favorite stuffed chair so she could read by. The rest she placed in various hanging candle holders here and there about the sitting room. Then she went to make herself some tea so she could get comfortable and kick off her boots and spend the night reading. The sun was just starting to set when she gut herself comfortable and opened the tomb in her lap and began. She was so into her reading she never heard Patience enter the housenor her banging around the kitchen making their supper—only when she lightly tapped her on the arm to try to get her attention, She jumped with a start. “Patience,”


Startled Morgana looked up holding a hand to her chest over her racing heart. “Ya startled me girl!” Morgana gave here the evil eye then smiled. “What?”

Patience just laughed. “Come eat,” was all she said then walked off. Morgana shook her head, was she that so into her reading she never heard her come home. She looked up and out the one and only window in the room it was pitch dark out. Hum guess so.

They ate in companionable silence then Patience cleaned up the table and dishes while Morgana returned to her reading which she did well into the wee hours of the night.  

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