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[This oneshot is inspired by Towers by Little mix]

Joe's POV

"What the fuck are you on about Casp?" I yelled

Yes, this is a typical day in the Jaspar household. Us, Jaspar, fighting over nonsense.

This one was actually the worst out of all of them, since I saw Caspar cheating on me with that girl Eva. I don't care if she's a girl. I know Caspar's bi and I know what he's like.

"Joe not this again" Caspar said turning around and leaning onto the wall.

You turn, and I learn that the walls come falling down

"What do you mean not now? You're fucking cheating on me and that's what you say?" I yelled as Caspar faced me again and rushed towards me pushing me to the ground

"You know nothing about what happened?"

"Then fucking tell me, tell me one good reason why I should stay in this abusive relationship when all of my friends are telling me it's not worth it anymore! Tell me Caspar!"

"Not a word, only heard what my friends could tell me now"

As I said that, I saw Caspar's eyes, full with guilt as he rushed towards me on the floor.

"Fuck, Joe, I'm sorry, forgive me please, I'll never do it again, Jojo please" He said looking at me and I looked back at him, I still love him.

"I feel love when I see your face
But all these scars, I can't replace"

But he's not worth the scars anymore.

Shocked me hard, hit me hard,
And I don't know what to say

"Just leave me alone Caspar, please"

"But Joe, I'm sorry, I was just Angr-"

"Get out!" I yelled as he stood up and walked out of the room.

As he walked out I stood up and looked in the mirror.

Bruises, cuts, scars all over my body. These are all from our fights. Since I'm thinner and smaller, I'm easily bruised and hurt.

We've fought so many times but this week was just terrible.

One time I was just talking to a girl in the club and he came up to me and pulled me out of the club, went home and threw bottles of alcohol when I tried to stop him from drinking.

Our relationship may be fun on the internet but at home, it was like a living hell.

I stopped looking at myself in the mirror and decided to go to sleep.

*The next day*

I woke up as I heard someone knock on my door.

"Go away Caspar" I yelled, I know it's him. It always is.

"I'm not here to fight Joe" He said as he keeps knocking on the door.

"That's what you said when you beat me up until I was fucking unconscious for an hour. I'm not letting you in. Find another guy who's willing to be your punching bag. We're over."

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