End of the day

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[This was inspired by End of the day by One direction]


Me and Caspar have been really awkward lately. Our hands would accidentally touch. We would stare at each other waiting for someone to look away. When I put my arm over him he would stand up and make up some dumb excuse. I don't know what's going on with him. I'm always that clingy.

Maybe he's noticing it? Maybe he knows?

Does he know that I like him?

Shit, that must be the reason.

But how? Caspar doesn't even know I'm bisexual. I've only admitted that to Zoe.

Fuck, I need to loosen up. Good thing me and the boys are going out tonight.

I called Caspar from downstairs and now were going out to meet the others.

We arrived and after 15 min I already had a few drinks and by few I mean, too many. I know, I'm drunk. I had to get my head out of the Caspar situation.

I tried to distract myself by talking to a bunch of girls. I flirted with them thinking I could forget how much I loved Caspar but my eyes always come back to Him.

I went back to sit beside Caspar and got a few more drinks. When I was about to drink one more, Caspar stopped me.

"You already had too many Joe."

"Come on, just one more" I said as i nuzzled on his shoulder

"You've had enough Joe, the boys already left. We should get going" Caspar said standing me up and helping me walk out of the club.

We got in a cab and arrived home. I'm still really drunk. I don't even know what's happening. All I know is we're already in the apartment.

"Come on Joe, go get some rest" Caspar says to me as he leads me to my room.

Caspar tucked me in and I said three words I know I'll regret.

"I love you" I whispered as I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up at 10am with a massive headache. I regret drinking so many.

What did I do yesterday? I don't even remember anything. All i remember is I danced with some girls and Caspar took me home cause I was so drunk. Oh fuck.

I told Caspar that I loved him

I'm so stupid. He probably hates me now.

I finally man up and went upstairs to get some food.

"Finally, you're awake." Caspar smiled at me while he was preparing two meals.

"You cooked? Without burning the house down?" I told him as a joke and Caspar frowned

"Like you can cook with that massive headache after last night. I bet you don't even remember a thing." Caspar said looking at me straight in the eye.

"Do you?" I asked him.

"Well, I remember you drinking so much and flirting with so many girls at the club" Caspar trailed off moving closer to me

"And many not important things like you getting so drunk and me having to drag you home."

"That's it? That doesn't seem so bad" I said, I hope he didn't hear what I said.

"You also told me you loved me..." Caspar said and fuck, I'm so nervous

"No homo Caspar"

"Yeah sure, like I'm gonna believe that shit."

"I was drunk Caspar! I'm not gay"

"Okay" Caspar looked really offended by me. I really didn't mean to snap.

"I'm sorry Caspar, it's just that my head really hurts. I didn't meant to shout"

But I cant tell him I love him. I just cant. I cant even accept it myself.

"It's alright" Caspar said walking away from me.

"Fuck it" I said as I pulled Caspar close and kissed him. To my surprise, he actually kissed back. After awhile I pulled away.

"You're the one that I want at the end of the day" I told Caspar and he smiled at me.

"I love you Jojo" he said hugging me.

"I love you too Caspy"

Okay this is cute I'm not gonna lie omg I love Jaspar so much

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