For him.

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[I really recommend listening to this song and watching the video cause it's so good like idk]

Caspar's POV

Today was Joe's birthday and Me and the others were currently in Joe's house.

We were all just having fun and We started to play beer pong.

It was Jaspar vs the Maynards

I wasn't really that good of a player but I'm glad I was paired with Joe. We make a good team.

We won, thanks to Joe of course. We celebrated and we hugged, it was actually very awkward and we didn't know why we're hugging, it just kind of happened.

We were brought back to reality when Conor started to defend himself

"Oh piss off, we let you guys win because it's your birthday" Conor said trying to shrug off the fact that they lost.

"We are runnin' so fast
And we never look back
And whatever I lack, you make up
We make a really good team
Though not everyone sees
We got this crazy chemistry
Between us"

"It's getting late! Lets cut the cake!"

Of course, before we cut the cake, we sang Joe a happy birthday. He looked so happy and I couldn't help but stare at how his face lit up when he blew the candle.

"Happy birthday Joe!" I said pulling him into a hug

"Thanks Casp!" He said as he hugged me back

"You don't have to say, "I love you," to say I love you
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons"

"Let's eat!" Zoe and the others shouted and they all went to eat cake. After eating they all basically went to bed and dosed off, they were so tired or just really drunk. Losers.

"Hey Joe, I haven't had the chance to buy you a gift yet, what do you want?" I asked Joe

I really wanted to give him something he would enjoy and something that I know he'll love.

"Nah, I'm fine with just getting to see all my friends and just getting to hang out with you guys"

"We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money
All I need is you
All I need is you, you"

"You sure?" I said


"Well, since the others are already asleep, you wanna watch a movie or something?" Joe said to me and I agreed, it was too early to sleep anyway.

We ended up having a Harry Potter marathon and we were already on the 4th movie when I saw Joe yawn. I pulled him close so he could lay on my shoulder.

What are you doing Caspar? This isn't what friends do.

"We try staying up late
But we both are light weights
Yeah we get off our face, too easy"

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