The Quiet

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[This oneshot is inspired by The Quiet by Troye Sivan]

This song was requested by @heyitschey13 💗

Joe's POV

Recently, me and Caspar are in a very awkward stage. We both know there's tension between us, but we both choose to ignore it.

Let's be honest, we haven't been talking that much lately. I don't know why or what happened. We just kind of got too attached to each other that we ended up, idk

Falling for each other?

Well, I'm not even sure if the feeling is mutual.

All I know is, I like Caspar.

Heck, I might even love him ffs

"Growing distance free of explanation
We're getting deeper in this mess"

As I was thinking, Caspar went inside the room. We were currently about to start our stand up for cancer campain which included that we have to stay silent for hours.

That seems to be easy since none of us are even talking or initiating a conversation.

"Take careful contemplation
I'd rather be spitting blood
Than have this silence fuck me up"

We were seated on the couch on opposite ends. That's really great.

Maybe it's obvious that I like him and he doesn't feel the same way that's why he's keeping his distance?

"This separation,
time and space between us
For some revelation
You didn't care to discuss
I'd rather be black and blue
Than accept that you withdrew"

I couldn't take the silence anymore, I spoke up.

"Caspar, do we have a problem?" I say standing up

"No? Why would you say that?" Caspar said not even bothering to glance up from his phone

"Are you for real? You aren't even gonna look at me?"

"What the fuck are you on about Joe?" Caspar yelled also standing up

"You know what, fine. Do what you want. We've been ignoring each other for days and when I finally had the courage to speak up. You fucking scream at me. I don't even know what your problem is! I did nothing wrong and you suddenly treat me like shit. It's not my fault that I-" I was about to tell him I loved him before I got cut off by his lips on mine.

When we heard someone coming into the door we immediately pulled away.

"Joe, Caspar, you guys are up"

When he said that, Caspar immediately walked out of the room and followed the guy. I was left speechless.

Why did he kiss me?

"Aaah, just tell me
Say anything
Anything hurts less than the quiet"

Caspar's POV

Great. I kissed Joe. He must hate me now or think I'm weird and never talk to me again.

You can't blame me! I couldn't help myself.

Why did he have to be so cute when he was angry?

The fact that we're gonna sit here and stay silent for hours isn't really helping our current situation.

He didn't really kiss back, does he not like me?

"Just tell me
Say anything
Anything hurts less than the quiet"

I understand why he was mad though. I have been avoiding him since the day I realized that I loved my best friend.

You cant blame me, it's weird. I liked a lot of girls, but never as much as I liked Joe.

I couldn't take the silence and the tension between us anymore that's why I walked out of the venue.

"And I don't wanna walk away
But you left me no choice
Only talking to myself here
Now you've muffled your voice"

I didn't even realize where I was going till I heard a beep and someone suddenly pulled me away from the car.

"Are you mental?!" Joe said looking angry and worried at the same time.

"I'd rather have broken bones
Than feel myself turn to stone"

"What was that back there? I kissed you and you didn't even bother to speak after. I thought you liked me also because I was feeling the tension between us, I guess it was just me who feels like that and you probably hate me now." I said and Joe stayed silent again

"Aaah, just tell me
Say anything
Anything hurts less than the quiet
Just tell me
Say anything
Anything hurts less than the quiet"

"Oh for fucks sake don't even play the silent game with me, I'm so sick of this silence, just tell m-"

"Oh shut up!" Joe said and pulled me in close to kiss me

"I don't mind that I know that you're wrong
I don't mind that you think you're right
All I want is a fight to fight
Anything but quiet"

When we pulled away, we just looked at each other in the eye, I was waiting for him to say something but I guess he was also waiting for one of us to speak up.

"I love you Joe, I hope you like me back. I hope you tell me now, I'm so sick of being silent, it's killing me."

"Just tell me
Say anything
Anything hurts less than the quiet"

"I- I love you too Caspar" Joe said and I hugged him

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I said to him

"Yes, Caspy" he said as he pulled me in tighter.

"When are we gonna tell the fans?" I said to Joe

"Why don't we tell them now?" Joe said as he pulled me back in the venue

"I know we walked out earlier but I have to say something, me and Caspar are together. Yes, Jaspar is real you can all scream and freak out now!"

"I'm pretty sure that we're gonna be making a coming out video soon so you guys wait for that."

"And cause we're freaking cliché, we're gonna make a boyfriend tag video soon"

We said and left the venue once again.

I opened twitter and I saw all the support from our fans.

I then tweeted "@Caspar_Lee: I'm so happy I don't have to be quiet anymore"

"@Joe_Sugg: @Caspar_Lee Me too Casp, me too xx"




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