6-26-11 I moved out!

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So I don't understand at all what's going on between me & Thomas right now. It's like, so weird & twisted. We flirt, he's super sweet & caring & gentle & loving & I'm confused about my feelings b/c I don't know if I trust him or not. I mean, I can slightly overlook it b/c it's one time, so that's why I'm okay w/ him right now, but I'm not being too sweet or anything. I think I just need to tell him that he's on probation which I'm pretty sure he knows b/c he's really trying to win me back & make up for it, I can tell. And I still love him. So I'm confused. I need to see how it plays out.

But other than that, I'm LOVING UP LIFE right now since I moved out! It'll be four weeks I think, this Saturday :) It's awesome being in control of everything in my life right now. I have a sneaky suspicion that my mom is using a "girl day" w/ Rae & Aunt Jane as a ruse to get me to come over to her house for a surprise house-warming party. It'll be fun if it actually happens, either one lol. But being a bachelorette w/ a pad is SO thrilling :D And I work off rent w/ gpa so it's sweet package deal for both of us.

-Rane C.

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