9-21-10 cont. *evil yet innocent smile*

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It was really fun today b/c I got to work with Bre & we laughed about a lot of things. Apparently hell is a place above us, "wait...I...I'm confused" & "I-I'm good" are things guys say when they don't want to reject me, & Joseph Gordon-Levitt's nickname is JGR or "Jiggle" to me & Bre. I laughed SOOOOOO much today, my cramps didn't even hurt once. Of course the whole time Thomas was touching me: either my wrist/hand/arm/leg/calf/something, but it was legitly fun & entertaining today. But my point for writing another entry is to talk about, oh wonder, Thomas. Hehe. *innocent smile*

Anyways, he called me his gf today!! I had his phone & was doing something on it & Leigh sent him a text & I gave it to him & was like, "Your girlfriend txt you" & he goes, "No she's not, she's right in front of me." He had this lil wickedly mischievous smile on his face & I literally gasped. I was so shocked that he called me that! And he's also jealous! I finally actually got him jealous. [Not on purpose!]

It's funny tho b/c he wasn't jealous b/c I was flirting, he's jealous b/c HENRY'S flirting! It was actually kinda funny that he was jealous (b/c he NEVER gets jealous, which is actually pretty nice), but then Thomas was like, "That kinda hurt baby" so I didn’t let it show.

I sent Thomas the 2nd of Henry & I's only 2 convos that we've had where Henry flirts CONTINUEOUSLY and I lay down the law & Thomas' first reaction was "I don't like him."!! I smiled SO big when I read that. Thomas was like, "he calls you cute too many times & sexy & asks about you booty poppin too much." He was like, "No, that's MY job!" Haha, I did it only 50% to make him jealous though. I actually just wanted to see his reaction to it. And I like what I saw hehehe haha. *evil yet innocent smile*

The reason I like it so much is because it makes him possessive & when it's just a tad, it's cute & I like it. Plus, he's told me that he's not the crazy jealous type, just the normal. Like at football Sunday, I was walking & talking w/ James and Thomas was like, "why can't that be me?" & also when I went to the dance party on Sat. I was paired up w/ a really good dancer named Mike (I think lol) and Thomas told me that he had wanted to dance that with me, but the other guy got to me first and so Thomas just ended up staring the whole time. [Like a creeper haha.]

Which is understandable, I mean, if we ever date for real &/or get married, it might be a different story cuz I wouldn't necessarily want to dance with anyone else, but we'd be together all the time, so he wouldn't probably mind as much. I realized another reason why I can say I love him without that much doubt: my 3rd entry in here says that I can't look at any guy I like in the eyes b/c it's apparently a trust issue...well I trust Thomas wholly and completely. I've looked into his eyes for minutes on end & I don't ever want to look away. All I see in them is loyalty & affection & caring & trust. And even tho I'm worried that some reason will pop up in one of us to make us unsuitable for the other, I believe mostly what Thomas said: "Pretty much everything has popped up that will…"

-Rane C.

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