Tasting The Rainbow {24}

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                                                                                ***Zelly’s POV***

                “I can’t believe he ran away!” I whispered as I sat with Clapper at my house. “He’ll turn up, Zelly,” Clapper said, glancing at me. “Don’t worry.”

                He leaned back and sighed. “Addison is really freaked out, though. She was trying really hard not to cry. She really loves her brother.” I imagined tried to imagine how destroyed Rose would be if I ever ran away, and just couldn’t do it. “I know she does,” I said quietly.

                Clapper opened his vibrating phone and stood up. “She wants me to go to her house. She said she doesn’t want to be alone. Come with me.” He held his hand out and helped me up. “Chinks are always comforting.” I cracked a small smile and we left my house and made our way to the Aces’.

                Addison let us in and hugged Clapper tightly. The doorbell rang and she opened it. A man who looked like Adam stepped in nervously. “Hi Addison,” he said quietly and she hugged him. “Dad, I’m scared. Where’s Adam?” she whispered.

                “I don’t know, Addi. We’re going to find him though. I promise,” Mr. Ace said and kissed her forehead. Addison glanced at us. “Dad, that’s Marco and Zelly. Marco is my boyfriend and Zelly is Adam’s.”

                “I regret that I have to meet you two under these conditions,” he said and shook our hands as Mrs. Ace came out. Both their faces paled and they didn’t look t each other. “Do you have any idea where Adam is?” Mr. Ace asked quietly. “No. He’s not at Kobi’s or Skye’s house,” Mrs. Ace said, her voice just as quiet.

                Mrs. Ace took a deep breath. “Al, take the kids and go look for Adam,” she said. Mr. Ace nodded and we followed him outside and got in his car. “Now where would Adam go? Do you kids have any clue?” he asked us.

                We all looked at each other before shaking our heads. “Dad, what if we can’t find him?” Addison asked quietly, her eyes watering again. Clapper wrapped an arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut.

                Mr. Ace’s face paled again. “Don’t say that Addison,” he choked out. “We’re going to find him. He couldn’t have gone that far.”

                Addison opened her eyes and turned her head towards me. “Kobi found Adam’s cell phone in his mailbox when he got home from school. We can’t even track that. There’s no way to find him. It’s just blind guessing, unless he returns home,” she whispered.

                “Adam,” I said quietly, biting my lip. “Hey, we’ll find him. None of you worry,” Mr. Ace said, but his voice lacked confidence. “We’re going to find him and calm him down. That’s all it was. He just freaked out a little, and needed to clear his head. He wasn’t thinking. He’ll come back home. Adam will come back home.” But Mr. Ace just sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

                Mr. Ace didn’t know where his son was. None of us did, and that’s what Adam wanted. He didn’t want to be found. He didn’t want to be alone, but he didn’t want to burden anyone else, most likely.

                My eyes widened a little. “Is there any place that Adam could’ve gotten into easily to get through the night? A place he would think to go to that he wouldn’t be found right away?” I asked.

                Addison and Mr. Ace both thought hard. “The shed!” Addison cried. “We used to go in there when we were little, because no one could find us!” Mr. Ace drove to a house and we got out of the car. He led us around to a backyard where a small shed sat.

                He turned to us and nervously wet his lips. “Before we go in there…if Adam is in there, don’t yell at him for running away. He might not have calmed down yet. He’ll just run away again. So if he is in there, just stay calm and don’t freak out on him.”

                He gulped and glanced at Addison. Addison grabbed Clapper’s hand and he squeezed hers reassuringly. “Adam has to be in there,” she whispered. “He just has to be. I can’t think of any other place he would possibly go to hide.”

                My heart slammed wildly in my chest. Addison was right. Adam had to be hiding out in this little shed. He just had to be. We would go in there, and he would be there. Maybe he wouldn’t be calm, but at least he would be there. That was all I wanted. I just wanted to find Adam and hug him tightly and kiss him because I was scared. I was scared that he really had run away and planned to never return, not even to say goodbye to me.

                We went over to the shed and Mr. Ace glanced at the three of us one last time before he pulled the door opened and stepped inside. The three of us stood together, Clapper holding Addison’s hand tightly as Mr. Ace began to search in the little shed for Adam.

                He came out a minute later, a broken look in his eyes. Before he even spoke, I felt my heart break and felt the tears threatening to come to my eyes. “Adam’s not in there,” he whispered. 

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