Part 22

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Dean's lips against yours felt so good, and for some reason so ..right.

you could feel him smiling against your lips and you smiled too.

he pulled back slowly and looked at you smiling, you blushed slightly and ran a hand through your hair, "so..good night" you stepped out of the car and ran into the building knowing Dean is looking at you, probably smiling to himself just like you were smiling to yourself, well at least you hoped.

you entered the room smiling like crazy, you leaned against the door after closing it and bit your lip.

"well someone looks happy" Jade marked

you just smiled and sat on your bed looking at her suspiciously 

"WHAT?" she asked "tell me what happened!"

you laughed softly out of excitement  "ok, so.." you started and cuddled your pillow "he took me out tonight and we kissed, things were weird between us until now because I wasn't sure what's going on, but it felt so right! and I think I might him. he is so cute! and he has been a real gentleman the whole date! and-"

"BREATH!" Jade giggled "who are you talking about?!"

"omg" you giggled "DEAN!"

her smile faded slightly and her face expression changed "oh" she coughed

"what?" you asked

"nothing" she shook her head and smiled a smile that from what you could tell was fake "where did he take you?"

"well.. to this amazing huge park, so beautiful! I think it's called Bridget Park or something" you shrugged

she mumbled something to herself that you couldn't understand but you were too tired to even ask.


you got a text from Chole at 01:43 A-M!! what is wrong with that girl!!

* "are you awake?!" *

* "well, I am now" *

* "you HAVE to see this" * she said without adding anything

* "see..what?" * you asked confused

* "take a deep breath, I'm sending the picture" * before you could answer your phone beeped again and you got a picture message from Chole.

"no.. no way" you mumbled to yourself and shook your head "no!"

" *I'm coming over!!!!!!!* " you texted her and put on your sleepers running towards her room on the 2nd floor.

by the time you got there her door was already open and she leaned against the frame wearing her pajamas

"are you okay?" she bit her lip

"no! I am not" you kinda yelled then remembered it's almost 2AM.

"let's go outside" she whispered and you hugged your chest following her

"THIS can't be happening! I am not ready for this ,not yes Chole" you looked away

"look, I know it's a bad timing with Dean and all but you'll have to face him..sooner or later. you have to know you are over him before things get serious with Dean..or anyone else"

you looked at her and sighed "I guess you're right"

"you know I'm right" she smiled and you gave her a sad smile back. "it'll be fine, you will see" she hugged you.

"I hope so"

Biology class was everything you didn't need right now, you were too busy thinking about something else, someone else.

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