Part 12

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dedicated to Outofdrews for designing an amazing banner for the story, I'll upload it on the next part :)!


"I know what I saw ok?! he moved his thumb!! don't look at me like I'm crazy, he really moved his thumb, Ryan you saw it! tell him he moved his thumb!" you walked around the room and yelled at the doctor.

"listen, I believe you I'm just saying that his situation hasn't change, so it probably was just a reflax nothing more. I understand you want him to heal, but.. take a seat for a second." Mr. Tores the doctor said softly then looked at Ryan "Both of you".

Ryan and you looked at each-other confused but you followed his instructions and sat down, you sat by Justin on the bed and Ryan on the chair next to it.

Mr. Tores took a soft breathe and leaned against the wall "I know it's hard for you" he said and stopped for a minute "we all want to believe that he will get better, but I don't want you to get your hopes up high. his situation got worse and I'm afraid that..-"

"NO!" you hollered and stopped him 

" *your name*.." Ryan said softly

"No ,he is gonna be just fine. I'll wait as much as it takes but he will get better, I know he will" you chocked trying to stop the tears from bursting out.

you stayed by Justin's bed all week long, not leaving for a second. you looked tired and seedy but you didn't care. if it wasn't for Ryan you wouldn't bother to eat either.

you traced your soft finger on Justin's cheek bones, these sharp cheek bones that stretched every time he smiled, across his soft beautiful pink lips that now looked more like white, you wipe away the tear that ran down your face and kissed his forehead "you will be okay" you whsipered "you will be okay".

"she hasn't leave the bed all week"

"yes I know, I tried to tell her but she won't listen"

"this isn't good, if she keeps her hopes so high she will crush, trust me I know"

Ryan and Mr.Tores were whispering outside of the door, but you could hear them. you sighed and rested your head on Justin's chest ,you loved doing this because you could hear his soft heartbeats, you ran a finger down his chest to his belly, you did it again, and again "what the.." you whispered ,you did it again just to make sure. his heart raced faster everytime you did it, he can feel you! "omg" you whispered and covered your mouth ,he reacts to your touch! a tear ran down your face and you cupped his hand kissing it softly

"please wake up.. for me." you said softly

you heard a soft sigh and turned your head expecting to see Ryan

"Joe?!" you said shocked

"you must really care for that boy.." he said and got closer to you

"what..what are you doing here?" you mumbled ,still holding Justin's hand

"Ryan guy called me, he said you needed a friend" he said softly

"thanks" you moved your thumb acroos Justin's hand softly "but I'm okay"

"lets talk outside?" he looked at Justin and then back at you

you hesitated for a second but then got up and walked out with him "3 minutes" you stated

"five" he protested 



" *your name* ..have you looked in the mirror lately? you look tired and you clearly need some rest" he said once you were outside.

"look I know, okay? I know.. but I care for him too much, I.. I never cared about someone as much as I care for him. he makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same time, I..I think I love him. no I know I do" you looked into his eyes

his look changed from worried to understanding, and his eyes looked happy. he gave you a small smile and whispered "so why won't you tell him that" he kissed your forehead, nodded and walked away.

you watched him disappearing in the long hallway. you were thinking about his words as you set next to Justin again. you smiled softly and grabbed his hand cupping it again.

"Justin..I don't know if you can hear me but I wanna tell you something" you took a deep breath and looked away

"You are an amazing guy, you make me feel like I have never felt before. that feeling in my stomach everytime you touch me or just smile at me is crazy. I miss the way you run your hand through your hair, your smile, your voice. I miss your love for me, your hugs your kisses.. Justin, I miss you. and..I love you."

"I love you too" 

it took you a few seconds to realize that someone just spoke , you jumped and looked at him. his smile was so big that if he will smile just a little more his face won't be able to handle it, his hold tighten up around your hand. he looked week and ill but he was awake.

Justin is awake.


hey guys!

thank you for reading, I hope you like this part!

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