Part 18

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"Justin Timberlake?!" Jake laughed so hard, he held his stomach and wiped away the tears off his eyes

"yup" you said dryly but tried to hold back your laughter that wanted so bad to come out loudly.

"I look NOTHING like Justin Timberlake!! oh my god out of all the people in this world he decided he knows me because I look like Justin Timberlake" he shook his head and set back next to the lunch table coughing softly.

"you wish you looked like him actually" you smirked

"I look better than him" he spit

"nah" you mocked

"whateeeever" he said as Chole sat by the table next to you

"what are you guys talking about?" she took a bite of her apple

"Justin thinks Jack looks familiar to him because he looks like Justin Timberlake" you crossed your arms on your chest and smiled

"what the fuck?" she giggled "you wish though Bieber" she continued

you gave Jack the "see?" smile

"shut up you two" he said annoyed

"shit!" you whispered and looked at the table trying to hide your face "hide me!"

"what..?" Jack looked confused and tried to find out who you are hiding from

"Chole! it's pom-poms girl!" 

"oh no" she said and looked down too

"who is pom-" 

"heeeeeeey guys" she stopped Jack before he could even ask

you coughed softly and picked your head up to look at the blond girl in the cheerleader uniforms that stood in front of you

"hey Cindy!" you said in the most fake high voice you could come up with and smiled at her

she smiled and leaned down to give you two air kisses that you gave her back.

"oh hi Chole!" she waved at her making Chole to give her a fake smile

"oh hi! Jack right?!" she smiled at Jack in a clearly flirty way

"yeah..I guess you are Cindy?" he asked and looked at you confused

"oh please, you are so funny" she punched his arm softly and flipped her hair

"I'll see you guys around" she said and walked away

"please don't" you said in between your teeth

you rolled your eyes and turned back around

"what was that?" Jack looked at you with the same confused eyes

"oh that's just Cindy" you shrugged

"how come I've never seen her before?"

"well" Chole said "she avoided you until now I guess she finally had the nerves to face you" she giggled and you let out a little giggle

"what do you mean?" he looked even more confused

"oh she has a crush on you" you waved your hand to state the obvious

"well" he smiled and looked smug "that is because I look better than Justin Timberlake"

"No." you and Chole said together and he rolled his eyes.

"I really don't get why we keep doing this, we don't even study" you rolled your eyes as you jumped on your bed and Jack sat on the chair next to your computer and swirled himself around like a child.

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