Part 3

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"NO NO ,STAY AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE NO!" you woke up panicked ,your body was sweating and your breath was heavy, you felt your chest everytime it moved like a big rock that was trying to get out. you hated to sleep, the nightmares won't leave you alone. but reality wasn't better. It's been a week since you've been kidnapped ,your mum is probably freaking out ,the police is looking for you right now  and your bestfriend is hanging up pictures of you allover the city. well at least you hoped they do. you got up and wondered around the room, you turned on the light and sat in front of the desk, the room wasn't so dirty now you had enough of free time to clean it up, Justin even helped you. there was something strange about this boy you thought, he was a bad boy no doubt, his tattoos, the fact he kidnapped you, his attitude, the scars on his body..but on the other hand it's like he doesn't want to be that guy, he's sweet and funny at times, he gives you whatever you need..most of the time. it feels like he is stuck in this situation as well , no. you had to stop acquiting him. what he did is wrong, he uses your body that's all. you took a deep breathe trying not to cry. you glanced at the big clock that was hung up on the wall, it stopped. "shit" you mumbled, now you couldn't even know what time was it. you crossed your arms on the desK and rested your head on it softly sinking in deep thoughts. you thought about your mum's face, about your bestfriend's smile, about your little annoying brother that you missed so much. your eyes got heavy slowly and you felt into a deep sleep. you opened your eyes and rubbed them softly, you looked around but you wasn't sitting in front of the desk, you were in bed covered with a new sheet. you didn't remember waking up and moving to bed, someone must have moved you there..someone. you took a quick glance around the room and gasped as you looked at the door, it was open, and there was no one there. you jumped off bed and ran to the stairs that leaded into the house, the house was empty, no one was in the living room or kitchen, did Justin really forget to lock the door? it was the perfect opportunity. you tried opening the main door but it was locked, you tried the back door and the big windows but they all were locked or too heavy. "the bathroom window" you whispered and walked there as fast as you could, the window was open but it was small, but not small enough. you were thin enough to go through it but it was high, you climbed on the tiolet's seat trying to get there, you held into the window's frame and tried to pick yourself up "ouch" you screamed and watched your blood spreading all over your hand "stupid window" you whispered, you didn't care you wanted to be out of here, you managed to catch a good graps and pulled yourself up, but you were back down before you could even notice. he held your hips and stopped you , he must have heard your scream. "after all I did for you" he said as if he were really disappointed that you tried to escape ,"leave me alone" you barely managed to say , your tears were obstructing the words from coming out clearly, you lost the best chance you had to run away. "here" Justin said as he finished bandaging your hurted hand, "try not to harm yourself next time you are trying to run away" he mocked ,you rolled your eyes and walked to seat on the couch you got used to his humor by now. you could feel him coming behind you, he leaned down and kissed your neck softly, you recoiled. he jumped on the couch and looked at you, it made you move uncomfortably "why did you leave the door open?" you asked, trying to make him stop staring at you, it didn't work. "what do you mean?" he said and you laughed a tired laugh "please, I know you left the door of my room opened on purpose, why did you do it?" you looked at him ,he smiled "because I wanted to" , you rolled your eyes and leaned back on the couch ,you listened to the silnece and closed your eyes softly. you could hear cars passing by on the highway ,you heard some birds tweeting , your heard the wind ,the trees. you smiled to yourself and relaxed , you opened your eyes slowly and you saw Justin looking at you, you forgot he was there for a second. "what were you thinking about?" he asked "um, nothing.." you lied. he shrugged and got up to get some drink, "do you want anything?" he asked and you nodded "some water" he came back with a water and a beer he handed you the water but you grabbed it with the bandaged hand making the glass fall, Justin was all wet and you couldn't hold your laughter "omg I'm sorry" you laughed so hard, "shit" he mumbled, he put down his beer and took off his shirt. you stopped laughing and stared at his body, he was really hot. but you couldn't take your eyes off the scars that were on his body ,he noticed. "you wanna know where I got these from?" he said and touched the scars "yeah" you looked at him, he took a spit of his bottle "knives fight.. poor guy."


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