Chapter 9

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"Ohh no.." Kurama mumbled as he turned and walked home. "This is going to be a problem..." His face was still bright red. "Not only me but also... Hiei.. What do I do now... It won't stop..." He said to himself.

As Kurama was on his way home, he wouldn't stop thinking of what he just saw and what he found out on that time. As he reached home, he saw his family, said he was home and went to his room to start studying. As he was studying, he would, at time to time, picture (name) in his head. He would try to concentrate by taking notes but at time also he would accidentally write her name and erase it. Because of the lack of concentration, he stood up from his study table and went to his bed and tried to read a book.

"Why did I have to do that now..." he remembered and started blushing uncontrollably. "I don't know how to confront her now, nor Hiei." he looked outside his window and wondered, "I'm so sorry, Hiei... I... I fell for (Name)-san." he sighed and tried to rest.

The next day came which was Sunday, there was no school and Kurama dressed up and left his house to catch up with some reading at a bookstore. As he was on his way to the bookstore he wonders about what happened at the dark tournament. He reached his favourite bookstore and started finding a book while still remembering what happened at the tournament as he stopped and saw a good book, he stopped at the part where he fell in love with (name). He took the book, blushing at what he remembered, which was her smile, and when it was out, he saw a face, and it was surprisingly (name). (Name) saw Kurama and was a bit shocked as well.

"OH! Hi Kurama!" (Name) said, smiling.
"Oh hi!" Kurama replied. "Why is she here??? Why did she smile too..." He thought, trying to keep his smile of his.
"I was getting a book. Got bored so I went out." she replied.
"O-Oh.. Ok haha!" Kurama smiled, trying to laugh.


"O-Oh.. Ok haha!" Kurama smiled at me.
I tilted my head wondering, "Are you ok Kurama?"
"Oh yes I am! Sorry I just got shocked that's all." He replied back to stop the awkwardness.
"True, Ya!" I nodded. I started to think for a bit and looked at Kurama, "Hey Kurama?"
"Hmm?" Kurama looked at me, "What is it?"
"Wanna grab coffee right now? I mean, since we met and stuff." I asked without any hesitation.
"Right now? Uhh.."
"Oh, you busy? It's alri-"
"Sure sure! We can hang, I don't mind and I aint busy." He smiled back.

After that, we purchased the books we wanted and we thought of going to a small cafe near by. While we walked to the cafe, women were staring at Kurama. As usual, girls were looking at him. He really is goodlooking. I looked at his profile amazed at his looks. Kurama noticed and looked at me. When I saw him look at me, I looked away and so did Kurama and we blushed while doing so. Then again, I looked at his profile.

I wonder why though. He really is goodlooking but I don't feel like, "that" towards him. I wonder why? I mean, maybe, I don't know. Then suddenly, Hiei's face popped out. My eye's widen and I shook my head and looked at the ground. WHAT? WHY IS DID I JUST PICTURE THAT JERK?! UGH my day was just ruined because of him. But then my eyes softened with sadness and pain. Why, why do I feel pain tho? Why do I feel so different when I think of him? What's so special about him? Maybe it's just the weather and maybe because of the women who are starstruck with Kurama. Yeah! I guess that's the reason. I nodded with certainty.

"(Name) You ok?" Kurama said.
"Yeah." I replied a bit shock. "Why?"
"Well.." He laughed a bit, weird as if I did something stupid. "We kinda passed the cafe. I've been calling you, but you wouldn't answer so I just followed." He pointed the cafe, which was kinda far away.
I noticed and bowed, "I'm so sorry!!!"
"Haha!" Kurama chuckled, "It's alright. Let's just go back there." he replied and walked back to the cafe and I followed him.

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