Chapter 2

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"Hi-Hiei" I said, stuttering. I then looked down, saw my naked body and I started blushing. "GYAAAAA!!!!" I hit Hiei multiple times with the bowl while he was covering himself with his arm.

"He-Hey! Idiot! Calm down!" He told me and threw his robe/jacket at me while looking away, "Wear that..." He ordered.

I stopped hitting him and blinked a few times, "O..ok.." I said, shyly.

Hiei laughed and commented, "Heh. Who would want to see an idiot's body, like yours anyway."

I wore the long robe/jacket, then I suddenly stopped and looked at Hiei, while Kurama opened the door, "WHAT HAPPENED??" he asked, shouting and brought out a rose. Then Kurama stood up straight and sighed.

I walked to Hiei, and gave him an uppercut. I called him an idiot numerous times while throwing what is inside the shower room. Kurama stopped me by convincing me. I got convinced and went to my room and changed to my outfit. He could have just not said that! I know I'm not attractive nor do I have a good shape! He didn't have to say that. I sighed, sad to what Hiei said to me. I don't care what he just said! It's nothing to me. I don't care at all. But then, why do I feel like this? I stopped, thinking what I was just thinking. No, NO NO! This is just because I am tried or maybe just because I was shocked at what just happened.

Awhile after, we left my foster house. I was kinda sad I was gonna leave the house I grew up in, but then, I get to meet my family, my true family. I say goodbye once more to my foster family's house and then I finally I left. While on the way to my brother's place, I ignored Hiei by not looking at him and talking to Kurama sometimes. Hiei in the other hand wasn't bothered by it and just followed us.

As we reached Yusuke's apartment, we knocked the door and called for Yusuke. When the door opened, we saw a pretty girl with short brown hair. I looked at her and I flustered a bit.

"A-ah! I-I'm so sorry! Wrong room!" I bowed while apologizing. I slowly walked away and Hiei just grabbed my shirt.

"Idiot, this is Yusuke's apartment room." Hiei exclaimed.

"Don't call me idiot you idiot!" I replied.

Kurama explained to me who that person was. Apparently her name is Yukimura Keiko and she's Yusuke-niichan's childhood friend and Girlfriend. I feel so embarrassed acting in such a rude way in front of her. I bet she thinks I am mean and weird now. I sighed, sad.

As we were settled down, I go to Keiko and apologized. She forgave me and said she said I really am related to Yusuke-niichan. I asked how I was but then Yusuke-niichan interrupted all of us and we had a little chat and dinner. I cooked dinner since, I didn't want Keiko to cook for us and wanted to thank everyone. I served dinner, everyone said it was really delicious and then, I noticed Hiei wasn't around.

"Where is Hiei?" I asked everyone.

"Ohh. I don't know. Maybe he left or something." Kuwabara said.

"Uhh.. Hmm... As usual." Kurama thought.

"Let him be, if he wants to eat, he will go here."  Yusuke said.

While Yusuke-niichan was talking, I left him, "Yusuke, she left before you could finish." Kurama said.

"That's weird... Don't tell me.." Yusuke thought and looks at Kurama and Kurama giggles a bit.

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