Im where I need to be

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After my bath I slumped into bed. I grabbed my phone to see tons of text messages and miss calls. I sighed in turned my phone off then let my dreams take there course.  The next day SoulCo. hosted another banquet I was not prepared to show my face, I fucked up enough and this damn sure wasn't a great way to start with a new company. I rose up looking at the time. 10:00am. The banquet was at 1pm so I had time to kill, so I threw on some baggy clothes along with a huge winter jacket in a beanie. I added sunglasses and headed out the door. Too bad it was 97° outside but I ain't let the heat stop me. I drove to my destination and walked in.

"Hello sir may I help you?", a woman said as she was on the phone, "Yes, uh I'm just browsing around", she nodded in handed me a form of papers, "Fill these out and return them, there's housing available or job opportunity and even volunteer work but you may look around first if you like", she smiled, I nodded, smiled and walked around. The sight was incredible, kids all around and adults trying to manage the kids, workers looking like they've been fed up for along time. I sighed at the building practically falling apart in sat down. I filled out the paperwork in returned them and before the woman could ask anymore questions I quickly ran out.

I got home around 12:02pm, got myself together wearing jeans and a white beater than headed to the banquet. Once I arrived, I parked and prayed. I did some last minute thinking and got out my car. As I slowly walked in, people began to notice me in talk among themselves, I ignored whatever words people said in found a temporary spot in the back of the crowd. After while of waiting,  I looked around in there was Zari standing near the doors, I looked around again and saw Connie and Angela near the bar, hell it was deja vu all over again but I knew it wasn't going down like before. Suddenly a woman approached the stage in everyone cheered.

"Oh please all of this for little ol me stop it".

She bowed.

"Well hello everyone and welcome to our last banquet of the year, I heard our recent one had a bit of chaos but now that I am here that will not be happening am I right?".

The crowd laughed.

"For those who don't know me, I'm Karla Banks, heiress of Soul Co., and for those who do know me I'm sure you wish you hadn't".

The crowd laughed again.

"All jokes aside, its time for some serious business".

She looked off in the crowd and smiled.

"I see our enemies looking great over there, Helloo dear Fortune, I see next years Runway show will be a treat!"

Connie and the crews expressions never changed. Angela wasn't too focused either.

"Well tough crowd, but before we start this party would anyone else like to share a few words".

"I would!!!".

I cleared my throat as every face turned to me. I began to feel sick but held it in.

"And you are...?".

"Mr.Noo- uh I mean Dustin Breeding".

The crowd oooohed and omgd as if I was a ghost. Connie, Zari and Angela didnt let me out of there sights. I walked on the stage and Karla smiled.

"Sooo your the one the buzz has been about, hmm I thought you be dressed better than this".

I eyed my casual clothes and smiled. She handed me the mic and nodded for me to proceed.

I cleared my throat in looked off in the crowd that's when I saw  Noel and her dad walk in an they pointed my way.

I sighed.

"Uh hello everyone, y'all are looking lovely this evening, uh y'all probably wondering why I'm even here or why I had the nerves to even be up here after all the trouble I caused the industry, well there will be no more trouble because I'm just here to say I will no longer be working next years Runway show".

Everyone was in shock.

"I won't be doing any shows for that matter, not with Soul Co. or  with Fortune".

Angela, Connie, and Zari gave each other looks.

"Uh instead I will be working with Cleverton".

Everyone was confused in began making conversations.

"Uh excuse me Dustin, but there is no agency named Cleverton?!", Karla chuckled.

"Yes Karla, yes there is, its my agency".

The room became silent. Noel shed a couple of tears and her father nodded in my direction.

"STOP!!! Dustin you can't do this!!?", Zari and Connie shouted in unison.

"This man can do whatever he pleases, for donating $50 million dollars he can lock me up himself", Noels dad chimed in.

I smiled, he smiled.

The silence was no longer there, a slow clap began to an even bigger one, and then tons of congratulating.

Zari and Connie approached me begging me to stay but I brushed passed them. I approached Angela as she went into her shy mode.

"Soo does this mean I won't be competing against the best?", she smiled softly, I shook my head, "We were never in competition sweetheart, only you were". She stared deeply.  "I wish nothing but the best for you Ang' that's all I ever wanted".

I kissed her cheek in began to walk away but a hand grabbed my arm.


She paused and looked off at Noel, Noel nodded.

"Girl you get your man".

She laughed, pulled me closer in for that moment it felt like no one was in the room but us. Our lips never separated from one another that day and for more days on. Angela and I now owned Cleverton Models, an training agency for kids. We had tons of offers to go back to being professionals but for now I knew that this was where I needed to be. I never felt so right until now. Angela and I was even expecting a little model of our own. My life was finally perfect and it took me to go through hell to get it and if I had to do this again, I just might.


Make Sure you go in READ BOOK 2
Thanks for all the readers & love!!!

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