Need a lift

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It was 3:30pm when I arrived to the airport. I walked around looking for Angela but she was no where to be found.

"Hmm I guess shawty didnt make it".

I stared at my watch.

"Alittle more and I'm alone for this trip".

I laughed at the idea. I headed to a lil shop and bought some snacks for the flight, even though we were put in first class and they offered plenty, I still liked my sunflower seeds, Rockstar, bubble luscious gum, and air heads. I paid and headed for the plane. I was getting checked at the check point when a voice called over. I looked around and saw Angela standing there ready to board. I fake smiled at her and she fake waved.

"Took you long enough".

she teased.

I rolled my eyes, "Nah I been here looking for you".

She sighed placing her hands on her hips.

"Whatever I been on the plane, I just was able to step out to see if you were here, only because I flirted very well with the pilot captain but anyways let's get going".

I sighed and followed her and we took our seats. The plane took off and we waited in silence. After one movie went off in they placed in another, I took out my snacks and began popping seeds in my mouth, Angela glanced at me every now and then so I passed her a bag.


"Well you stared quite enough so I figured you wanted some". I teased, she nudged me and laugh out.

The rest of the flight was a breeze after a nap we were in LA. I grabbed our bags handing Angela hers than called up a taxi in we headed to Marriott.

We got inside to such a beautiful room. I sat on one bed and Angela looked around. I took out my cell and seen 3 miss calls from Noel and two text messages. I sighed. Why should I still care. She was cheating and could of been doing it for awhile. I almost proposed to her.


I was getting ready to call her up when Angela broke my thoughts.

"Isn't this amazing!!?".

I stared at her in looked away. I got up in walked to the window in took in the California view. I turned my attention to her and sat back down.

"Look, I rather just do what we need to do for the Company and nothing further iight".

She rubbed her hair. "Well okay then, I was just trying to lighten the mood".

I rubbed my head. "I really don't wanna talk much ok".

She shook her head. "Look Dustin what did I do to make you dislike me, back at Fortune you treated me being here like a disease".

I stood up, "Well thats just it, its you being here...Fortune was mine til you came now everyone wanna make deals with you..Fortune is a male modeling agency and you just waltz in and think your running shit well new flash sweetheart you couldn't run shit if your ass was a damn toilet".

Her eyes were dead on me. She said nothing.

I took a deep sigh and fell back on the bed covering my eyes with my arms crossed. I didnt care if I hurt her feelings or not. I swore she was gonna walk out the room cause there was shuffling noises. I looked up to see Angela standing over me with a pillow and with that she hit me hard.

"What the hell!!?", I sat up.

she swung again.

"Ay quit..what are you 5?"

I rubbed my face.

she swung again.

"I'm warning you Angela".

She swung again but I caught the pillow and snatched it out her hands.

She smiled, "Your stressed, you need to relieve some tension so hit me back".

I gave her a look than thought and within seconds we were pillow fighting like crazy. So much that the fluff in the pillows was flat. I laughed she laughed and we caught our breath laying down side by side on my bed. I looked over at her laughing.

Maybe this trip won't be that bad after all.

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