Fuck my life

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I went up to my room, tossed the empty champagne bottle in the trash and took my hot shower. After 40 minutes of soaking I got out completely naked, laying on my bed and played some Pandora on my phone. I found myself scrolling apps than staring at my contacts wondering if I should call Connie up to get Angela number but I didnt wanna add anymore fuel to that fire so I tossed my phone on the dresser listening to the R&B sounds and 10 minutes into it, I dozed off.

In the morning I quickly got myself ready and headed out the door. I made sure I wasn't gonna start my day off screwing up. I was all smiles and kept my head in a positive attitude. I locked up in turned around to find my car windows had been busted.

"What the.....fuck she didn't!!".

I was at my knees. Glass was everywhere. I touched lightly at my windows to watch more pieces fall.


I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Noels cell but it went to voicemail. So I left her a friendly message.

("You bitch!! i can't believe that you would stoop so low that you had to bust my windows ...My car cost more than you'll ever make in 5 years!! what the hell is your fucking problem!...I better not see you around soon or I will bust your shit!!")

I sighed not even wanting to hang up but the message wouldn't allow me to talk longer. Suddenly my phone rang. Noel.

"You fucking bitch I should-"

"Who you calling a bitch!?"

"Ima bust your ass Noel and-"

"You ain't gonna bust a grape nigga shut your ass up!"

"You busted out my windows!!"

"Yeaaa thats my sooong I bust the windows out your car-"

"Noel this isn't funny-"

"And no it didnt mend my broken heart-"


"I'll probably always have these ugly scars, but right now I don't care about that part-".

I sighed in frustration and anger. Each chance I tried speaking all she did was sing. After awhile I just hung up and called a cab. See I spend my money wisely. Why have two cars when there's only one of me? What is my left ass cheek gonna drive one ride while my right ass cheek drive the other? Hell no! so I only bought me one car and that car was my first ever pay check from Fortune which is why I was so pissed, but the damage was done, nothing left to do.

I got into the taxi around 12:45pm, I had to be at Fortune today around 10. Not my day. Once I got in, like always everyone eyed me up in down til I was out of there sight. Connie pretended I wasn't even in the building and I haven't seen Angela all day. My day that was supposed to be positive was all fucked up in a worse way. Once the two meetings were over Connie called me into her office.

I sat down not even looking at her, she walked around her desk than finally came in front of me causing me to look up.

"Dustin Dustin Dustin".

She was rubbing her palms together shaking her head.

"Tell me something, what happens to a big shot in any business who isn't following the rules?"

I kept quiet.

"You do know don't you?"

Again I said nothing. My facial expressions told my answers.

She shook her head smiling.

"See that's the thing, you feel you can't be replaced by one of these men".

I shifted in the chair.

"That's because I can't".

She raised a eyebrow.

"Oh I know". She folded her arms. "That's why your being replaced by a woman".

I cocked my head at her.

" What are you talking about?"

" Your fired Dustin, your contract was over last year, that's the reason Angela was brought here we couldn't get her soon enough so we kept working with you til she arrived, she knew the whole deal and I wanted to keep you on the team cause I was sure you're act would get together but you proved me wrong and the board says to let you go".

I sank low in my thoughts, I knew about my contract but Angela knowing this shit is was hurt the most.

"Dustin I'm sorry but we have no use for you, just take your last check and-"

"Fuck you and that money!"

I got up in headed for the door.

"Y'all been using me since day 1 but using me just for y'all own benefits!!.

Connie stood in silence.

"I don't need y'all, I can get another job!!!".

She walked over to me in grabbed my hand into hers.

"Calm down Dustin, I can help you".

"Help? are you serious, for what so you can have part of my earnings!".

She sighed in gave me eyes of pitty.

"Dustin you knew me for years, this isn't my decision alone".

I shook my head.

Suddenly Angela walked in, she was staring at me with apologetic eyes.

I turned my head towards Connie.

"Y'all two have a good day!".

I began to walk out but Connie grabbed my arm stopping me to face Angela.

"Well at least take your check".

"Nah y'all can keep it".

My eyes never left Angela's.

"But Dustin its $7,000 in here".

"Well good, you two can buy yourself a fucking life cause I'm good".

I snatched my arm away, walked out and never looked back. Leaving Fortune hurt like hell but walking away from that money pissed me off but on top of that I walked to my parking spot realizing that I didnt even drive.

"Fuck my life".

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