No biggie

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I walked through the hallways heading for the elevator but my focus made a pit stop when I spotted a huge crowd of my coworkers staring at a bulletin board.

"At what y'all looking at?" I shouted getting closer but they ignored me.

As soon as they bothered to pay me any mind, a few of the fellas backed away in snickered at me, some even covered their mouths in shock.

I got to the middle in to my surprise the board had a huge cut out poster of me and Angela side by side. The company had Photo shopped our photographs to make it seem like a battle. I mean I knew Connie said they we testing me but damn.

I looked around like I had just been slapped in the face in didnt know who done it. The damn Company that's who, Fortune had fucked me big time.

"Soo Dustin is being challenged by a female", laughed one guy

"Looks like Mr.Notch is about to be Mr. Flop!!" one guy shouted

I ignored there comments.

"Damn dog this chick is bad tho", said a guy Id like to label as a cool pal, he patted my shoulder, "Dude she about to rack in all your deals!" he laughed.

"Well at least my paychecks are more than yall houses combined!!", I shouted. They zipped they're chatty ass up in walked away. I sighed staring at the board.

"I will beat they're little game".

Connie came by my side smiling.

"Isnt she's so gorgeous?".

"No". I lied.

"She's gonna be very special to us" she nudged me.

I ignored her.

"Y'all meet tomorrow by the way"

I cocked my head. "Cool".

I walked to the elevators and sighed. "no female is going to break me no matter how fine". I closed the doors, said goodbye to the receptionists and headed my way.

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