Da fuck

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After laughing my ass off, I ran as fast as I could to where Noel was. Before she could come to and look around I quickly grabbed up a pile of dirt in rubbed it on my clothes, I then sat on the ground distant from where she landed, looking her way, once it looked like she got herself together I was preparing to get up to walk her way but she never got up. From my view, Noel looked like Gina from Martin, the episode where she was allergic to avocado in her face was huge in her hair was all over, yea that Gina. Noel looked around yelling for me than shouting and crying for help, once I heard the pain in her voice I quickly rose to my feet in ran to her.

"Noel, are you okay!!?", I asked kneeling down studying her bruised body and then I saw why she was yelling. Noel's bone popped out of her left leg. Blood was everywhere.

"Oh shit".

I grabbed her by her waist being careful in pulled her up, she let out a cry. I sighed. I then got her to her right leg to not put any pressure on her left leg, she winced at the pain, not saying a word. I rubbed her face as she cried. I picked her up with her broken leg in all in got her to the car as carefully as I could, and it was a good thing she passed out cause I was in no mood to explain why the car was now able to stop. I drove to the nearest emergency room and got her admitted. Once the doctors done what was needed they let me know she was still a little loopy from the Morphine and Tramadol. They let me know she kept mentioning

waiting for her boyfriend to take her home, I smiled at the idea of her wanting us to be a couple again. Even though I could hate her, I didn't. I walked into the room and she looked better than before, her face and hair was well groomed. Her cuts on her face looked almost healed. She smiled at me in rubbed her hair. I sat next to her in the open chair.

"Noel this is all my fault", I sighed feeling like shit. She rubbed her hand through her hair again as if it fell out of place and sighed

"No Dustin, its my fault I-", I gave her a look as she paused, "You what?".

Even though I knew what she was going to say, I wanted to know if she was going to actually say it. She cried then spoke.

"I hated that you broke up with me, I wanted you to suffer than die, because I felt dead myself".

I stared for her to continue.

"I had Jim fix your windows just so he could cut your brake line".

She then shed a lot of tears.

"I'm such a bitch and now Karma is making sure I pay for it".

I sighed then rubbed her face. I know I could of been pissed but it was kinda my fault she was in this situation but there was no need to say it. I leaned over to her as close as I could to plant a kiss on her cheeks but a clear of a throat interrupted me. I turned to see the big guy that was in Noels back yard that day. My heart broke into a billion pieces.

Dude reached over her body kissing her lips. "How's my baby doing?, are you able to go home?", She sighed, "Oh not yet babe I have to be monitored for one more day than I can be discharged", he smiled than his attention came my way.

She glanced at me, I looked back at her confused as hell.

"Dustin this is Jay my boyfriend and Jay this is-", "Mr.Notch". He growled letting my name roll out his mouth, "I know who he is". I started to speak but the nurses came in checking Noel's vitals. I shoved my rude thoughts out my head in walked out the room, "Well guess your good than". Noel gave me a Im sorry look, but all I did was care. I headed out not looking back, jumped in my car in sped into the streets.

Tonight was not my night.

A Models Tale Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ