One Piece

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Lou took Lux and Lola to a toy store near the area we were I'm. we're already done with your ad headed home! They came back and both kids had a shopping bag in there hands.

"Daddy! I got a beauty set, there's make up and hair stuff!" she giggled excitedly

The boys pretended it was the best thing ever. After lux and Lou left Lola turned to Harry with a little smirk on her face her Beaty set in her hand.

We all died out laughing as she slowly to steps towards harry, he straightened his back and widened his eye

"Yes?" he gulped glaring at us from the corner of his eye

"You need a make over." she smiled


"Because your hairs in front of your eyes." she pointed to the curly haired boy sitting on the couch wearing sweatpants and a old tshirt.

"But I like it like that." he pretended to pout

"You'll like this more." she set the case next to Harry and began to work well the other boys took pictures when she was done the boys were dying as Harry sat there with cupcake hands.

"Your next uncle Ni" Niall stopped laughing and eyed me I put my hands up in surrender.

Niall got pushed onto the couch my Harry and Lola started on him. I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled out my phone. the collar i.d. read an all to familiar number. The hospital.

"I have to take this." I stocked off into the bus bathroom

"Ellow?" I slid the green bar

"H-hi" Perrie croaked her voice hoarse like usual

"Hi babe, what's going on, you never call this early?" I asked worriedly

"I..I can get released today, if I have someone to bring me home. I know you can't but when you get home can you come release me I don't like being here it's lonely."

"WHAT?" I yelled excitedly "We're already about only five miles away from home. Illl come get you immediately."

"Calm down, I'm going to be on bed rest for a week." she chuckled a little

"So, you'll be home! And I'm free for four weeks."

"I can't wait."

We finished up our conversation and I was ready to jump out of the bus and run home. I ran out into the living room but was to happy to laugh at the four lads with their new clown look.

"Why are you so.." I cut Liam off

"Perrie's can get released as soon as we get home." I shouted waking Reuben but I slightly ignored him crying

"MUM!" Lola danced around the ran up to me and jumped into my arms.

She had a huge smile plastered on her face and tears rolling down her eyes. I smiled and hugged her tighter she leaned her head in my shoulder and I couldn't help the tears roll down my eyes....we're going to be a family again...the puzzle will be home.

Who's happy?????

Comment your thoughts on the chappy!

The story is almost over




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