All Mine

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Liam's POV

I looked around at the boys after Zayn grabbed the sleeping kids and took them to the other end of the tour bus to sleep. We all exchanged sad worried looks, Zayn's not the same as he was a few weeks ago, I totally get why but it's just so rough seeing my lad like this.

"He's taking this really hard." Harry commented qiuetly

"Ya, but wouldn't any of us if it was the other way around? Even I'm upset about Perrie. I feel bad for the kids most of all." Louis said with a sigh playing with the wedding band on his finger probably thinking about El who was back home four months pregnant.

"Lola seems fine but Zayn says she keeps asking for Perrie, or sometimes she wakes up in the night screaming for her and all Zayn can do is hold her until she calms down." I shook my head slightly imagining Zayn sitting there fighting back tears well he tried to calm his daughter down about something he just wanted to scream about.

We all sighed and laid back in our seats. I was at the eating table, Louis was on the floor leaning against one of the couches that Niall and Harry were on. 

I talked to Zayn a lot today when we went out this morning and grabbed something to eat. He told me how he was doing by himself with the kids, without Perrie. How he hated leaving her back home because he told her he'd be here for her. And why this had to happen to his family, why would this happen to anybody.

I knew he wanted to cry but Zayn isn't the type to cry infront of anyone so I wasn't suprised when he told me he wasn't feeling well and he laid down on a bunk for a while silently with the curtain closed. 

"Well I'm going to bed. Night lads" I stated standing and heading for my bunk

Zayn's POV

I changed Reuben and Lola into feetie pajamas then put Reuben in his playpen to sleep while I curled up in my small bunk with Lola who stared spacily around her.

"What are you thinking about, babygirl?" I asked qiuetly

"Mommy." she sighed

"What about her?"

"I really miss her, and I haven't seen her for a while. But I never come on tour with you, you leave me with mum but not this time."

"Nope." I smiled halfheartedly into her hair.

"Well I missed you too when I was with mummy, is it your turn now."

I smiled at the way she put it I guess I could go along with this it's a lot easier then saying mummy's sick to a three year old. "Yep your all mine." I said pressing her back closer to my chest. "All mine"

Authors Note

Thank you guys so much! I apprieciate all the reads over 1k on all my stories:) And I love getting comments and follows so thank you!

(I know this chapter was short but sweet at the end, eh?)

I might start dedicating chapters if I start to get more comments and votes:)))))

Want a dedication? Comment and keep voting

Thanks, AshleyLynn

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