My Two Beautiful Kids

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Zayn's POV

Ugh. I just want to sleep. Does this kid really need to be changed again? I just got up like twenty minutes ago.

I rolled out of bed for like the hundredth time in the past hour. It's only three in the morning, Lola's been woken up multiple times and one time she slept walked into the room looking for Perrie and I was surprised at to how good I held myself together. I walked into Reuben's room and picked up the screaming baby from his crib walking him over to the changing table and laying him down. I changed him and then decided that I wasn't going to get any sleep so I carried him down stairs and laid him on the couch next to me. His eyes were wide open and I watched him for a little while as he stared at the ceiling.

After a while I turned the telly on and watched some gossip shows. There was a lot of pictures of me leaving the hospital and things about where's Perrie and all that shit. I took out my phone and sent a text to Liam, after it sent I realized it was three in the morning. 

'Oops' I mumbled to myself

"Daddy, Daddy where are you?" I heard Lola's little voice calling from upstairs. 

I walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked up to see her at the top looking down at me. 

"Oh there you are daddy." She smiled sleepily at me

I smiled back and watched as she slowly walked down the steps holding the railing with both hands so she wouldn't fall. She was at least five steps away from me when I saw her foot miss a step. It happened so fast I didn't even have a chance to move or say anything before she was crashing into my legs at the bottom of the stairs. I looked down at the poor little thing. She was screaming as tears poured down her face.

I picked her up "It's ok baby girl" I tried calming her but it didn't work "What hurts." I asked sitting her on the counter of the kitchen. 

"M-my bum and head." She cried out grabbing her head with her little hands

"Ok, daddy will make it all better." I moved her hands away from her head and kissed the corner of her forehead where a little bump was forming, nothing to worry about. I left her on the counter and walked over to the freezer grabbing a blue ice pack. I wrapped it in a paper towel and placed it against her head leaning on the counter space next to her.

I kissed he ron the cheek and she giggled.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked her

"I'm not tired anymore." She sighed

"Me either." I agreed

"I-" I was about to say when I got cut off by Reuben screaming

"One second." I picked Lola off the counter and put her on the ground "Keep this on your head." I instructed and she nodded

I dashed off into the living room picking Reuben up off the couch and lightly rocking him. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pre made baby bottle of formula and heated it up in the microwave. Seconds later I teested it then put it in his mouth. I walked into the living room and took a seat next to Lola who was curled up on the couch with the ice pack on her head and her head on the arm rest. 

I sighed and then burped the baby. Lola laughed hysterically when he spit up all over me. He even managed to not only get it on my bare chest but my boxers too, thank God I wasn't dressed. I narrowed my eyes at Lola making her laugh even harder.

"I'll be back." I grunted at her before walking back upstairs with the baby in my arms. I put Reuben in his crib then went in the bathroom and quickly cleaned myself off. I got dressed in basketball shorts and a black tank top. I grabbed Reuben and ran down the stairs once again sitting down next to Lo who was back curled up with the ice pack on her head.

"Do you want daddy to take that now?" I asked pointing to the ice pack

"Yes." She mumbled quietly handing it to me with out sitting up

I put Reuben in his little vibrating chair on the floor and walked into the kitchen putting the ice pack away. I took my seat on the couch next to Lola and moved her head onto my lap. I played with her blond hair for a little while before she rolled over so she was looking up at me.

"I think I'm tired now." She yawned

"Oh yeah? Me too."

"But can we watch Nemo please?" She smiled sleepily

"Of course."

I took the remote and turned on Finding Nemo then relaxed on the couch again, Lola laying her head on my side since she couldn't reach my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her little body.

I was relaxed when all of the sudden she jumped up and kissed my on the cheek "You're the best daddy." She said quietly before laying back down on me again

I smiled at her cuteness and began playing with her hair again. Soon enough her breathing got a little heavier and she moved around a little getting comfy.

I have the two most beautiful children.

I just wish Perrie was here to enjoy them with me.



Sorry guys short chapter but I figured you needed an update. I'm going to try to update atleast once a week. Whenever I get a chance!

                                Love you guys 

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