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Zayn's POV

I heard crying, I rolled over trying to ignore where ever the crying was coming from. I realized how uncomfortable the bed I'm on is. Confused as of to where I am I opened my eyes to a whites ceiling.

I sat up panicked looking around the room. A curtain, turned off machines, a little clear crib box in the corner. My breathing slowed back down to a normal pace as everything from a few hours ago came back to me. I hopped down from the bed and walked over dizzily to the little crying baby, to little to o home tomorrow.

I picked him up lightly bouncing the cradled baby up and down in my arms.

"It's ok Rueben. Shhh." I placed him back down after he calmed down a little

I grabbed a bottle and some formula quickly making him his bottle. I picked him back up and walked over to the chairs taking a seat. Rueben slowly sucked the milk out of the bottle stopping halfway through so I could burp him.

He was a little fussy when the bottle was finished so I burped him making him calm down a bit. I brought him back to the crib laying him down. I pulled out a diaper and some wipes.

I took of his old diaper and as I was putting his new one on him I got a nice surprise. I quickly covered him up before my shirt got anymore wet then it already was. Rueben kicked his little feet everywhere whilst staring at me. I laughed lightly then looked down at my wet shirt.

"Thanks for the present, Ben." I smiled at the gurgling baby.

Knock knock

I jumped slightly before a doctor walked in with a bed and a few nurses behind him.


The doctor looked at my wet shirt then back up at me.

"First boy?" The doctor asked and I nodded my face red with embarrassment.

"Well, I just came to bring by Perrie. She's doing alright for someone under her situation. Please try to be quiet and when she wakes up contact us right away." The doctor instructed

"Ok, so she's still asleep?" I asked the most obvious question ever

"Yes, she should be up soon. Don't let her hold the baby until we come in and give her a check up." I nodded at the doctors instructions though I wasn't looking at him I was to busy paying attention to the nurses who were wheeling in Perrie's bed and hooking all her machines up.

"Ok, make sure to call." The doctor smiled before walking out of the room the nurses following close behind closing the door.

I walked straight over to Perrie. I kissed her pale cheek, holding her small hand in mine careful not to disturb her IV. I let go of her hand and walked over to my bag remembering I was covered in pee.

I took off my shirt quickly replacing it will my clean blue one. I walked back over to Rueben and swaddled him in his little blue blanket. I picked up the little bundle cradling the baby in my arms. I walked over to the empty hospital bed next to Perrie's and propped myself up in a sitting position.

I looked over at Perrie, my beautiful sleeping wife. It was obvious that there was something wrong a stranger could come in and tell. Her face is as pale as a ghost, she's motionless and hooked up to more machines then I've ever seen in my whole life.

I looked back down at the baby in my arms his head was on my arm farthest away from Perrie. I tilted the wide eyed baby up enough so he could see Perrie.

"Rueben, this is your mum. She's going to be so excited when she gets to meet you. Mummy's sick right now but she'll be better soon." I cooed at the little baby who gurgled back at me

I rested my arm again the baby against my chest and I closed my eyes not going to sleep just relaxing.

Perrie's POV

The pain was excruciating. The darkness around me was hard to see through. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't I tried to call out to Zayn but I couldn't.

Now more than ever before I need Zayn I need him here right next to me, I tried to move my mouth but it stayed closed, I tried to open my eyes but they were to heavy. I could feel my heart slowly sinking, I miss Zayn so bad. It's only been a few hours but I miss him and I want to see my babies.

I heard the machines beeping and I was just glad i was alive, for now. I squeezed my eyes even more closed then they already are them I tried to open the but it wasn't working. I decided to move my foot, it worked.

As painful as it was I kept moving my get trying to see if Zayn was in the room.

"Perrie?" I heard Zayn's voice soft and sweet

I stopped moving my legs.

"Perrie, are you awake?" His voice again it gave me strength

My eyes slowly opened adjusting to the bright light of the white hospital room. I had just enough strength to turn my head towards Zayn. I gave him a weak smile and he smile back big and brightly.

"Oh, Perrie! You're alright, look I have the baby he's beautiful. Perrie, he looks just like me." Zayn talked fast and excitedly

I couldn't talk it was to painful I just flashed him another weak smile I opened my mouth slightly breathing a bit heavy.

"It's ok Perrie don't talk. I know it's hard. I'm going to go tell the doctor your awake I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that." Zayn smiled before slowly standing up a little blue bundle in his arms.

I heard the door open and close but I couldn't move my head to painful to bother. I soon heard the door again and Zayn was back on the bed next to me.

"Hi Perrie, it's nice to see you up." The doctor said standing behind me

"Any pain?" He asked

"Mmm" I mumbled it was the only thing I could manage

"That's normal, you're actually doing really well." The doctor said cheerfully

"I'll come check on you later and by then you should be able to talk and have less pain. They'll bring you se food later at night and then you'll be able to hold the baby." I moved my hand trying to show the doctor I heard him

"If you have any pain alert us." And with that he left

Zayn and I stared into each others eyes for a little while. He smiled lightly and a tear dropped down my eye. The moment was great and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stare into my beautiful husbands eyes.

"I love you." Zayn whispered

I smiled at him. Even though I've been sleeping all this time I felt extremely tired so I just let myself drift to sleep.

Zayn's POV

Perrie closed her eyes after smiling at me, she must be extremely tired even thigh she's been passed out this whole time she's probably exhausted. I'm exhausted myself and I just took a nap, oh well. I want to stay up just in case Perrie wakes up or the baby. I walked over to the crib and picked up the sleeping baby holding him in my arms. I walked back over to the bed dying to take a picture an post it on twitter but I'm sure Perrie would want to do it together so I held off by watching the stupid channels they have on tv.

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