Chapter 22 ↣

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He stabs the knife at me and I jump backwards avoiding the slice. One cut, and I'm dead.

"You think that you and your band of super monkeys can stop me, you got anything thing coming darling." He says through clenched teeth as he takes a few more jabs at me, which I block and dodge.

"Super monkeys? The only thing that's going to be super here is you." I say while taking my own swipes at him, and succeeding.

His hands fly to his arm where I tore through the Kevlar and cut open his bicep. He looks up and glares at me with great intensity, "Yeah, how so?"

"Super dead." I hiss while blocking his punch and kicking his arm with the knife away from me. "How many times a day I imagined this battled. How I longed for this day to come."

"You think that revenge will help you? Think again." He takes a few steps backwards and we begin to circle each other.

"This isn't revenge, Osiris. I'm not killing you just for me. I'm killing you for me, mom, Charlotte, Alec, Nao, Michio, Eric, Taylor, Jonathan, Uncle Tyler, Aunt Quinn, Grandmother, Grandave," He runs at me again and I grab his arms, holding them away from me, "Riley, Lauryn, Hope, Mrs. Joesph, Mrs. Becker, Ms. Alben, Mr. Joesph, Mr. Becker, Mrs. Gowell, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Paige, Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Grace, Mr. Kane, Mrs. Sider, Mrs. Reed, Mr. Simcoe, and Ms. Renee."

He starts to laugh so I knee him in the stomach and grab the dagger from him and throw it across the room and into the wall a good nine feet in the air.

"Y-you remembered all of their names! HA!" He laughs slightly in pain.

I walk over to him and go to stab him but he grabs my arm and looks at my deadly seriously, "Take my advice, and see if after I'm done with you, if you can still remember their names."

He quickly pulls me towards him then throws me across the room.

I fly through the doorway and slam into the wall, breaking the dry wall and leaving a massive hole where I landed.

"I will never forget their names because that means you won!" I shout while pushing myself up and readjusting my grip on the kunai.

He charges at me but I move out of the way and he slams into the same wall I hit.

"You were always naive and dull and stupid." He says while wiping some blood from the side of his mouth.

"Well, you talk too much." I growl while running at him and throwing a few punches which one stabs his shoulder and the other knocks him across to the other wall.

"I made a mistake with you, a big one. Oh a rather grand one."

I walk towards him as he pushes himself up against the wall and holds his bleeding arm.

"Come to bad mouth me more?" I snide, brandishing the knives across my knuckles.

He looks up at me, pure terror and regret shining in his eyes, "No. I'm afraid of what you have become."

I furrow my eye brows, but don't pause and wait for him to attack. I swing my leg around and kick the side of his head ever so swiftly.

"Afraid of what I had become? Well maybe if you didn't murder everyone I knew and loved I might have turned out better." I follow after him, curious why he isn't fighting back.

"I did something horrible- horrific eight years ago, and asking for your forgiveness for all those who I have killed is unquestionable, but- what I did to you. What I made you become, that's unbearable to watch any further." He says, self-loathing fucking kirā asshole.

I kick his chest, pushing him down, "You should have thought about this eight years ago-"


I didn't even notice it.

The pistol in his back pocket.

I didn't even see it.

The kunai drop from my fingers onto the floor with a soft clang for each one.

I raise my hand shakily to my chest where I feel the blood spreading across the wound.

Osiris stands up and towers above me, "I did think about it. Every single day. For eight years. Waiting for your death. Waiting to kill you and end it all." He whispers while placing a hand on my shoulder. "But don't be so scared- you'll at least see your mother in hell with you."

He shoves me down and I lay motionless as he walks down the hall and out a door.

Did I honestly expect to win this?

I shouldn't have been so cocky.

He's still out there.

Now Oliver and the rest are next...and it's my fault.

It's always my fault.

My vision starts to fade just as I hear footsteps running down the hall.

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